Weekend Freewrite 3/24/2018

Weekend Freewrite 3/24/2018- Part 1 - The First Sentence

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Dad gave me a wink, like we were pals or something. But I knew the truth. He wanted me to keep his secret. He wanted me to be okay with him having a whole separate life. I was an adult now so it was okay. I had written him off long ago. But he was here, in my house, needing me to keep this from his two new girlfriends. I didn't care really. He wasn't my dad, not really. I had a father who raised me. The man that was crashing at my house for the time being was simply someone who shared my genetics. He was the one to fertilize my mothers egg. Disgusting when I say it that way. I knew this would blow up in his face one day. I just hoped I was around to see it. I just hoped I would be able to laugh at him and put the cherry on top by kicking out of my house.

Why was he staying here? It was a favor to my mother really. She didn't want him in her home, he had no family, no friends. I wonder why? Obviously he isn't a faithful person, truthful or have any morals, so really the reasons lie out in front of us but she asked me to take him in and I can never say no to my mom. She had enough of her plate so, I took him in.

"Why can't one of your girlfriends give you a place to stay?" I ask standing in the doorway of my spare bedroom that I usually use as a space for me to get away from this world, my reading nook. I didn't have a significant other... something about trust issue's my counselor says. Funny, I wonder where that came from? So there was no one that had to put up with his presence, just me.

"It's too early to ask them. You have to work up to that honey." He says laughing looking back at me as he unpacks. I gag at the term of endearment. "Don't worry.. Soon they'll be begging me to take things from them." He grins and I shiver. I pray these women realize what he is before it's too late.

Although what does that say for me, Keeping his secret...? Maybe that'll be the start of my new session with my counselor (She doesn't like to be called a physiologist.)

Weekend Freewrite 3/24/2018- Part 2 - The Interference

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She was standing behind the counter, giving him this root beer-float kind of a smile. How he dragged me here to meet one of his mistresses is beyond me. I really need something that will occupy my time. Maybe then I wouldn't find myself standing here, watching them make sickening googly eyes at each other.

She grins at me, "So nice to finally meet you!" She says. Her voice is annoying and I hate her instantly. I pity her for being with my father. She was pretty so I didn't understand why she wanted to be with him. She had this annoying laugh and she worked here, an old fashioned soda shop, of all places.

I nod, bored, "Yep." I reply. I know I am being rude, but did I care? Nope. Maybe if I'm rude enough she'll break up with him. He shoots me a look and I shrug in response. Did I care what he thought? Nope.

"We should do dinner sometime soon!" She says grinning oblivious to my dislike of this situation, of her.

He laughs, "Fantastic idea! My two girls." I laugh because in reality his two girls doesn't involve me, "Lets do it tonight! Your place. You can make your famous lasagna!" He says to his girlfriend. I sigh. She claps happily. !hat is she two? "Be right back, I gotta drain the main vain." He says to me. I cringe as he heads to the bathroom.

I look at his girlfriend and her face has changed dramatically, "Look here little girl. You screw this up and I will have your head. I've been single for too long. Times running out and I love this man. I won't let a grown woman with daddy issues screw this up, you hear me? I will murder you if you do anything!" She whispers at me.

I laugh just as my father walks out. Yep, my caring has reached a new low. "Good luck lady." I mumble to myself.

Weekend Freewrite 03/10/2018- Part 3 - The Dramatic Twist

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The time Leslie called me a leech is when shit hit the fan. We meet his girlfriend, Leslie, at her house, on time, for dinner. It went as to be expected. She talked, I made snide comments, my father got bored. And when dinner ended he wanted to end the evening and I'm sure ending the relationship was his next step. He liked the other girl better - or so he told me when she was out of the room. That and he had another girl on the back burner. Yep, total tool. So I sat back and watched.

But then she broke out the insults toward me, there was no holding her back anymore. She had too much to drink and she just snapped when he tried to end the evening.

I smirk and laugh, "Me? A leech?" I laugh again, her face getting redder. I can see the fear in my fathers eyes, he knows what's coming. He may be a horrible person and father but he knows me and he knows I don't deal with shit, I get that from him, because of him. "I am no leech old woman. I grew up with a dead beat dad, barely coming around. The man that you claim to love is nothing more than a freeloader. He is living with me right now, did you know that? He is living with his sometimes daughter, when it's convenient to him because his ex didn't want to take him in, his other girlfriend is too busy and he didn't want to put her out, and you, well I assume because your too crazy, so he chose me. He has no friends, and the ones he did have he leeched off of so much so they dropped him from their life. Yep, this man right here is the leech and you, your just some crazy old bag that wants love." I get up from the table. "Fuck this. I'm out." I turn, "oh and dad you can find your shit on the lawn. Good luck" And with that I'm gone. My counselor will be proud.


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