Free will is just an illusion.

I am 100% convinced that free will is just an illusion and that all existence is predetermined. As I fall a sleep I occasionally think of weird little ideas and instead of going off to the land of nod I often find myself deep in thought experiments for an hour or two.

On one of these occasions I was contemplating life and intelligence, as any normal sane person does at 2am in the morning and that is when I had the brain fart!.

Now this will take a leap of imagination and would most probably need a million more years of technical evolution to prove, but just close your eyes and imagine.

Imagine that you have a camera, only this cameras is so advanced that it can take a snapshot of all existence at that very split second. You could zoom into the image taken to such a degree that you would be able to see the exact placement of the electron as it spins around an atom.

If you were to take two snapshots with this camera a nano second apart and you would be able to extrapolate the movement, direction and state of all matter in existence.

Now imagine we had a computer that was capable of processing all the information within these two images. This computer is so powerful it can calculate where all matter will be be in the next step from the two images. Using the software on this computer we are able to speed up the the steps past the point of the present and we are now able to tell where all matter will be at any given point in the future.
So what's the gist of all this? It means, to me anyway, that we are nothing more than a chemical and electrical reactions that started at the beginning of existence.

We may think that we can alter the path of matter by just simply changing our mind and walking in the opposite direction or just staying home when we were meant to go out, nope sorry. All those decisions that you think you make and have influence over are really not freewill at all. They are just the result of chemical and electrical reactions within your brain that were set in motion at the beginning of time .

We are just a little bunch of matter that has come together for a brief moment in time as it continues to follow the path set out for it during the big bang..


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