Five Minute Freestyle (Second Try) -- Can You Guess What This Is About?

So, after yesterday's awful attempt at this, I gave it another go, hoping to do better. I took @dreemit's advice and did not write directly into Steemit, but instead into notepad. It turned out to be a great suggestion, because there was a lot less pressure and my mind presented itself with many ideas very quickly.

I did have a few typos that I corrected when transferring the writing to Steemit, so I hope that's not cheating? But here is my five minute writing freestyle.

Fifty years have passed since I watched them take you away from me. All around the world, twice and thrice, I have searched for you through the darkness. My dear child, I will never stop seeking your face, though it pains me to say that I have forgotten it.

Not his though. His I can never forget, for it does not leave me. Even now, I see him smiling down at me as I beg him not to take you from me. I often fear that it is my hatred for him that keeps me going, rather than my love for you. But, then I remember..

Your laughs. They're the last reliable memory of you that I have, and it is through the hopes that I might hear them again that I find the will to keep searching. But, my sweet boy, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

My time here is coming to end, and I fear now more than ever that I will die before we are reunited. What terrifies more, however, is that you have already closed your eyes for the last time, without me there to say goodbye.

It's funny. They call me killer. But, not in a million years would I do this to another. Not even him. Rip his fucking head off his shoulders I might, but steal his children from him, and condemn them all to a fraction of a life -- that I could not do.

I'm running out of time, my sweet boy. I will cry my last cry for you, as I have the last thousand. I pray this time you will hear it, and know that I never gave up on you.

I will be impressed if anyone is able to figure out what this about.

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