Miracle Tree of Life: Moringa! #Freedomfriday post with photos

Moringa, Horseradish tree, Drumstick tree, Ben oil tree, Marum

and some personal experience with it

This is my entry for the #Freedomfriday contest announced by @naturalmedicine. I was inspired by reading post from @riverflows and post by @artemislives.

I want to talk about The Miracle Tree: Moringa. That is how it is called by many people in many countries because it is very special and it is said that any part of it can be used. Also it is called Tree of Life. It's science name is Moringa olifeira, one of the most known, popular and grown species in this Moringa group, which has several species in many different countries.

Miracuous Tree of Life: Moringa
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It is said that thanks to the leaves of this Moringa tree - many babies in Africa survived, because their mothers could have enough milk for them after using these leaves, which are very rich in Calcium too, several times more than in cows milk. That's why it is called The Tree of Life: because it helps a lot for malnutrition and other such problems. There are also many other valuable nutrients, vitamins and elements in its leaves, seeds, flowers.
Moringa benefits
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In Thailand it is called "Maa-room" (มะรุม) or "Horseradish tree". It is also called "Drumstick Tree" because its fruits or seeds are hanging on the tree in pods, which look like sticks. Other well known names: Ben oil tree or Benzoil tree; many other names in different languages and countries. Therefore I will not write so much about its benefits and uses - because as I can see even here on Steemit so many people already posted a lot about it; also a lot more information can find by Google.

Moringa pods sticks - Thai food ingredient
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Personally we have mostly used the powder made from dry Moringa leaves as a herbal supplement, similar to famous Spirulina. Also dry Moringa Seeds can just simply eat few times per day - as an energy boost. Leaves can use to make fresh smoothy or "green cocktails", also cook. Pods can use in different dishes like soups and curries. Also very popular Moringa Natural Organic Oil! It can be used both for different purposes, like in cosmetics, for acne and to remove spots, blemishes, treat some other fungus affected areas, etc. as well as powerful natural antiseptic. We can only praise this wonderful Gift from Mother Nature and recommend it to other people!

Moringa benefits
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My thoughts about Natural Medicine
and some personal experience

I was glad to see people who are also interested about, blog and and write, discuss about this subject matter: Natural Medicine! Because myself and our family already for many years tried to use mostly natural herbs or spices when get some problems with health. Therefore we understand very much all those people who talk about Big Pharma and business of "Medicine Industry", which actually more interested in people to remain sick than get well and healthy. Why? Because if person becomes healthy - they already can not make money from him! That person can not be their good regular customer who will continue using their services, pay them money for that and buy all sorts of things from them. But person who remains sick - oh, that is actually much better! Because such person depends on doctors and all the medicine and keeps using their services.

There is another reason why I sincerely support this idea of promoting Natural Medicine. Because in my own personal experience it happened already few times, as well as with my family members - when modern medicine does not help. Sometimes doctors even say that directly: "Sorry, we can not do anything about it. We can only observe, keep watching how this disease will continue and may be can suggest you some vitamins". It has really happened to us few times, honestly! However after that we decided to use natural herbs and some other natural products, as well as some natural herbal treatments (from traditional medical practitioners) and somehow it did help, it worked and healed that problem! Even though in normal hospital or clinic - they said that they can not help, because their modern medicine can not understand the reasons of that illness, how to treat it or what medicine to use, also that they simply don't have medicine to cure it! Then how traditional herbs could cure and heal it? Why modern medicine which has a lot of scientists, big research centers, a lot of money spend and provided by governments, very highly developed technology, expensive equipment - and all that can not help to solve the problem?

That's why I sincerely support this idea of those bloggers here on Steemit - who are trying to promote Natural way of life, Healthy Food, Natural Medicines and herbs. Because people have to learn how to take care of themselves and for that they need knowledge and information. I hope my post could be useful for someone! :)

Please see some photos of Moringa below.

Moringa leaves and powder

Drumstick Tree leaf powder
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Moringa seeds and oil

Drumstick Tree seeds oil
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Mature dried seeds of Moringa

Drumstick Tree mature seeds
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Moringa pods or "drumsticks"

Drumstick Tree seed pods
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Young seeds inside "drumstick" pods - main part used for food in soups, curries

Drumstick Tree seed pods
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pealed "drumsticks" ready for cooking

Drumstick Tree pods pealed
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"drumsticks" with some half-ripe seeds

Drumstick seed pods pealed
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Marum pods cooked in traditional Thai style

Moringa Drumsticks coocked
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Moringa Drumsticks cooked
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Moringa flowers can also use for cooking! :)

Moringa pods and flowers
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Moringa flowers, pods and leaves together - all can use for food!

Moringa pods flowers leaves
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Moringa flower

Moringa flower
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More flowers

Moringa flowers
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Drumstick Tree Flowers
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