Do You Like the Weekends?


I like the weekends because it offers time to spend with my family, unwind after the week and learn about things I enjoy. During my time as an employee in Corporate America, I came to the realization that being an employee no matter how great the job and how much money I made, still left me empty inside and it was a barrier to my growth as an individual. To me, it came down to a choice. Am I doing things I enjoy and are they are beneficial to me in the short term (a monthly paycheck) or the long-term (something that will pay you back dividends in the future)? Do you spend time thinking about wanting to accomplish other things in life but constantly have that creativity squashed by an energy-draining 9-5, 10-10 or 8-11 job?

This is why I started CryptoCoach. I get to work with my passion and connect with others who share the same desire to build something sustainable for the long-term. In 2011, I started to learn about economics to try to better understand why the 2008 economic crisis occurred. In the following years, I discovered cryptocurrencies and the pleasure of sustainable gardening as my passion. Recently, I made the decision to focus exclusively on these long-term passions and leave Corporate America.

On paper, my latest job sounded amazing. I was responsible for building a program that spanned North and South America. I frequently traveled to many locations and got to meet and learn with so many individuals. However, after a year in the role, I felt the opportunities to learn became less frequent and that I had become just another cog in a corporate machine. The stress from the job was no longer beneficial to my long-term knowledge and experiential capital accumulation and all that was left was the short-term monthly paycheck. I've decided that my path was to go my own way and build something for the long-term that is intrinsically rewarding and sustainable. In order to make this happen, I was able to build up financial capital by attacking debt to make this transition possible.

According to a recent Gallop Survey, the majority of people hate their job because they hate their boss and the #1 reason why people don't leave the job is out of FEAR. Fear that their new boss may be worse or fear that the new job itself may be worse; this is summarized succinctly as fear of the unknown. What causes this fear of the unknown? Most of these surveys fail to ask the most basic of questions, why are you working in a job anyway? I feel the answer is obvious, but looking at opinions about this subject it seems rarely discussed. Popular articles seem to start from the assumption that “everyone needs a job at all times” and it is the “adult thing” to do. However, those are not really reasons as they are superficial ideas that only invite more scrutiny from those trying to understand the “Why”. I rarely see this assumption challenged, do you need a job because you “don’t want your parents to support you”, “this is what the majority of folks do after high school or college”, or is it because you want to be able to support yourself and not be a burden? I think if we look at the common root, it is because you want to be financially independent to have control over your own life.

If you are financially independent you don’t NEED a job and I am of the opinion that because the high majority of people are saddled in debt and are living paycheck to paycheck they are compelled to stay in their job exacerbating this fear of change. This fear makes it risky to explore a passion that may turn out to be a dead end.

If folks have more time to think about what they want to do instead of moving from job to job, they may discover a better role that may be sustainable in the long-term. Don’t get me wrong I still believe it is necessary to take on jobs that may just “suck”, but you should be thinking "what kind of long-term capital are you accumulating from the sucky job"? Are you learning by building knowledge and experience in a certain field, building your social network, or are you building financial capital so you can take a small break from the daily grind to pursue your passions? All of these are valid as the reasons are moving you towards finding a solution that works for your passion. I believe a solid goal for anyone in life is to “find your passion” AND then “make that passion sustain your multiple forms of Capital Wealth”.

What about you? Are you searching for your passion and are you taking steps to find a sustainable way to preserve your wealth? Let’s discuss in the comments below. Have a good weekend!

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