Sessions weed controversy

So in the past week or so Jeff Sessions, the US AG removed the protections that Barack Obama gave to states that legalized marijuana.

Those of us that believe in freedom and liberty were outraged. Those who support Trump and the "rule of law" say things like Congress needs to change the law. That Sessions is just following the law, all of the laws.

What a bunch of crap. Honestly, he doesn't prosecute all of the laws, first of all NO ENTITY can. Second, there is a civil rights law that the Federal government uses when a state can't get a conviction for a high profile murder that ends up in aquittal....The government will decide that because "justice" needs to be served that they'll just try this person or people for a civil rights violation. They don't charge people with civil rights violations when they happen almost ever. The FBI had said that Hillary lied about her email controversy, that she did, in fact email classified materials, yet she hasn't been brought up on charges.

People who say that Sessions is just following the law are kidding themselves. He is pursuing an agenda, HIS agenda. He has long been an opponent of legalized marijuana in our FREE country.

In a free country, simply ingesting something shouldn't be illegal. What it all boils down to is that Americans must start electing more liberty minded politicians, from the city councilman all the way up to the President, we must elect liberty candidates. Cities and states around the nation are trying to tax your sugary drinks. A family in Florida has to tear down a freaking beautiful treehouse that the city initially told them was fine.

The bottom line here is that we should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies and property as long as it doesn't limit another persons freedom or liberty. The government, in a free country, shouldn't be able to decide what is right for YOU. Until YOU understand this, we're going to have these authoritarians being elected. Think about that when you enter the ballot box, every time.

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