What are you really celebrating on the 4th of July ?

If you think that July 4th is about something other than secession, then you’ve probably had one beer too many or are suffering from acute hot dog poisoning. Either way, this is a good time of the year to reflect on the true meaning of what should be celebrated on July 4th.

July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day. It is not Second Memorial Day, Pre-Veterans Day, Lather Over Lincoln Day, Yet Another Flag Day, National The Federal Government Can Do No Wrong Day, or Remember When We Actually Had A Constitution Day. Days celebrating independence are common. Texas has one. For non-Texans, it’s on March 2nd. Dozens of countries around the world have them. In every instance, they are to commemorate the anniversary of their country’s separation from another union or country, and taking their place as a nation among nations.

Yet here in the good ol’ American Union, the real meaning of the holiday is steadfastly avoided. Even the name “Independence Day” has been systematically replaced with the exceedingly plain and generic “Fourth of July”. Any discussion of the roots of the holiday and its modern day political implications is met with blank stares that scream, “shut up and eat your hot dog.”

If, however, people would take a moment and read the first paragraph of the document which spurred the creation of this holiday, it could deepen the significance of the day and spark healthy conversations over our current relationship within the Federal union.

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

It is abundantly clear that the men who drafted and signed this document believed wholeheartedly in the right of a people to separate from a larger political body and assert their independence. In many instances, those same men who signed this declaration fought and died for the choice that they made and, at a fundamental level, for that choice to be made in the first place.

Lest there are those confused about what happened because of this declaration, I feel I should draw some specific attention to the final paragraph. Spoiler alert – it’s secession.

“That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.”

It is also important to note that while they declared their independence in a single document, they didn’t do it as one body. Instead, in each and every instance in the document, they refer to themselves as “independent states”. Never do they refer to themselves as one, single independent state. They go on further to assert that each of the 13 States are equals with the “State of Great Britain”.

Which brings me to a point that gets lost too often in this declaration. Great Britain is referred to as a “State”. No one would argue that it is, in fact, a nation-state. Texas, and the other 49, are also called “States”. For some reason, this fact gets lost on people who claim that States of the American union are nothing more than administrative subdivisions of the all-powerful Federal government.

July the 4th is Independence Day. It is the commemoration of the day when 13 colonies showed that they had the courage to make a difficult decision. It celebrates the day that representatives from those 13 colonies acted on their belief that they were better off out of Great Britain than in. It memorializes the sacrifices made for the principle that the people had the absolute right to determine their own political destiny.

While you’re choking down your hot dog, waving your flag, and lighting fireworks, take some time to reflect on what it is you are actually celebrating. If you are celebrating the 4th of July as merely a day to “fly the colors” and not go to work, then, by all means, turn your back on the Founding Fathers and enjoy your hot dog.

However, if you are truly celebrating “Independence Day”, then remember what it was truly about: fed up with an overbearing and overreaching government, which trampled on their rights, and was so disconnected that it no longer could serve them, people in 13 individual colonies declared their political, economic, and cultural separation and asserted their sovereignty as 13 separate, individual, distinct, and independent nation-states.

Anyone who says that Texans cannot make this same decision in our day and age is likely celebrating the former rather than the latter.

The post Miller on Monday: What Are You Really Celebrating on July 4th? appeared first on Texian Partisan.

A local Tyler-area news station, decided that Independence Day weekend would be a great time to take a shot at #Texit. Naturally, the TNM had to respond. What ensues shows exactly why people are beginning to trust the media less than they trust the United States Congress.

CBS 19 in Tyler is one of many stations that have started running segments call “VERIFY” which purport to fact-check an assorted variety of questions and internet myths to “set the record straight.”

On June 29th, they decided to tackle the question of whether or not Texas can leave the union. Their answer:

“Texas cannot secede from the Union. The only right Texas has that other states may not, is that Texas can be divided in up to five more states. No states have the right to secede.”

Their evidence on the legality of the issue came from a single interview with Scott Sosebee, an associate history professor at Stephen F. Austin University. They cited no other sources and did less research than is required for a High School freshman’s book report.

This prompted a fiery response from TNM President Daniel Miller. In an email sent to the station, Miller states:

I was forwarded your story that alleged verification of the fact that Texas cannot leave the union. As someone who was raised in East Texas, I must say that I am surprised that this opinion piece, masquerading as a fact-checking, ever saw the light of day.

Our organization has shattered the arguments against Texas legal right to leave the union for over a decade. Yet, you do as too many media outlets do and tap a single source for your answer. In addition, you asked a professor of history to answer a question that is obviously legal in nature. In doing so, you have perpetrated a falsehood that has been destroyed by many constitutional law scholars for decades. You have attempted to reduce a complex legal and political issue into an easily swallowed soundbite whose apparent endgame was to reinforce a position already held by the reporter.

In summary, you, and your single source, neglected to account for the flaws in the Supreme Court decision of Texas v. White, the subsequent case law related to how treaties are treated within the context of constitutional law, treaties signed by the United States in the past 75 years that uphold the right of self-determination, the acceptance of the Texas Constitution, including Article 1 Section 2, after the Texas v White decision, and many other actions and decisions from the Federal Government that lead to the right of any state to leave the union.

In addition, your alleged expert continues to cite the 5-state myth which, while included in the resolution from Texas during the annexation process, was not accepted in the Joint Resolution of Congress which brought Texas into the union.

You should revisit this issue quickly so as to undo any damage to the reputation of your station or, better yet, issue a retraction and apology. If you want to have a serious discussion about the legal and political aspects of this issue, I would suggest reaching out to our organization.

It’s challenges like this that keep the TNM ever-vigilant and should keep all #Texit supporters on their toes. If we do not combat this misinformation and call out the media when they are wrong, Texans will continue to spout their myth as fact. We’ve even created a section of TNM.ME that can help you in these battles and spread the word. http://tnm.me/activism

If you would like to see the video from the story and leave a comment on their webpage, visit the CBS19 website here: http://www.cbs19.tv/news/local/verify-can-texas-secede-from-the-united-states/453204584

The Texas Nationalist Movement is more than just an organization seeking a referendum on Texas’ political independence. The TNM seeks to promote all positive forms of Texas nationalism, including Texas culture, Texas history and respect for Texas’ traditions. In keeping with our pro-Texas spirit, the TNM endorsed several bills in the 2017 legislative session.

Veterans and Constitutional Carry Bills
House bill 206, authored by Representative Flynn, proposed to add Texas State Guard members with 15 years of service to the roll of veterans qualified by the Texas Veterans’ Land Board. This act would have given added benefits to those who have served our state by allowing them access to the Land Board programs. The bill made it to a vote on April 24, but was voted down 14–112.

House Bill 375 and a similar bill, House Bill 1911, both related to carry of handguns without a permit. These “Constitutional Carry” bills affirm Texans’ rights to self-defense, without the additional burden of a license, permit or tax. There were high hopes in Republican circles that one of these bills would succeed, especially since Constitutional Carry was listed as the first of the Republican Party of Texas’ 2017 legislative priorities. HB 375 ultimately died in committee on Marsh 28. HB 1911 made further progress including two public hearings, but ultimately died in the Calendars Committee on April 26.

The Texas Sovereignty Act
House Bill 2338, the “Texas Sovereignty Act”, authored by Representatives Bell, Flynn, Miller, White and Schaefer sought to put into law a procedure for nullification of unconstitutional federal laws and mandates. The bill drew national media attention as the first serious legislative attempt nationwide to codify a nullification strategy. On the “Texas Sovereignty Act,” Daniel Miller said that it “sets the stage to expose the overreach of the Federal Government and, in our opinion, creates the context under which a referendum on Texas independence becomes inevitable. This merits the support of every Texan who wants to push back against Federal overreach and supports an eventual vote on independence.” The bill, if passed, would have created a commission to determine and advise the legislature on whether particular federal acts violated the Constitution. If the Texas Legislature and Governor concur, the federal act is then banned, carrying with it legal teeth for prosecuting anyone who would enforce such outlawed actions within Texas borders. The bill passed first reading and a public hearing, but ultimately died in the Calendars Committee on May 8.

Senate Bill 2097, authored by Representative Hall, proposed legalizing gold and silver bullion as currency. The bill died in the Finance Committee on March 28.

Calendars Committee
So what’s the story on a bill that dies in the Calendars Committee? The committee’s job is to review bills that have endorsements of their specialized committees and place them on the House agenda. Considering that Speaker Straus appoints these committee members, it is no surprise that, once again, the political elite have stood in the way of the will of the people of Texas. If the House can’t manage to pass bills that match the number one priority of the Republican Party of Texas, why should we be surprised at obstruction on other issues related to Texas sovereignty and Texas nationalism?

As Daniel Miller said, “Only the ‘Texas Elected Political Class’ stands in the way of independence.” Apparently they stand in the way of plenty of other issues as well. Rest assured, however, that the TNM will continue to support any and all efforts to promote our great state. We’ll take the small victories one at a time, with our eye ever toward a free and independent Texas.

The post TNM Legislative Endorsements appeared first on Texian Partisan.

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