"We can't have complete freedom, we live in a society"...BULLSHIT!!

Time and time again I hear that we can't really have freedom, because "no man is an island", we live in society etc. etc. and I really feel like calling it out for what this is: a giant enormous pile of pure horse manure.

Seriously, this just shows how utterly ignorant people are about what freedom really is. A great part of course has been played by the social engineers and societal manipulators, that have hijacked the concept of freedom and being free, and demonized all that has to do with it. Just think about the number they did with imposing their "free market"...no, folks, if you had any doubts let me tell you, that's NOT really free...there's nothing free about their so-called "free" market. It is called like that to make people fear the word "free" and everything associated with it, infact just mention it to most people and they'll say, "my god! The free market! Poor people starving and dying in the streets and capitalist exploitation!" (for those who may not know, "the market" is not a slaughterhouse, it is consituted by interactions between people-possibly free people, so how'd you rather have it? Free, or enslaved?!). They did the same thing with words that have the root liber- (latin for "free") in them.

Due to this, the vast majority of people regards the concepts of freedom and liberty (god forbid this capitalist inferno called liberty...) as some sort of romantic ideal, just unreachable in the real world, because you know, practicality and stuff. That's just at best, becasue often times it is hated and associated with either communism, or being a hippie (from right-wingers) or crony capitalism and corporatism (from left-wingers). Or generally, at least in my experience, with "people doing whatever they want" meaning not caring about others, killing, stealing, raping etc. (oh my, that's anarchy!).

Well,how can I put it...that's DEAD WRONG!! It probalby isn't clear yet: freedom and being free does NOT mean that you can do whatever you want and that there are no rules, damn it!! Let me repeat: freedom does NOT mean "no rules"!

Whether you live in a city, in a small town, on a farm or wherever, there ARE rules to respect! And what those might be? You know when you were a kid, don't hurt others, don't steal their stuff...also known as Natural Law, if you don't know what it is, there's a bunch of guys on the internet talking extensively about it, but it can be summed up pretty well: do not aggress on others (and yes, it includes stealing and fraud). If this tenet is violated, then you have a right to defend yourself even with the use of physical force, if the circumstances require it. Period. That simple.

And there it is! This is the problem! People fear, if not hate freedom so much because it's too simple!
That's right! It is in fact so simple that is actually complicated! We are trained not to think about these topics in a simple manner, it has to be complicated, it has to be complex; how will we do this, how will we do that, how about this, how about that, the roads, the hospitals, healthcare, pensions, the poor, the elderly, what if what if what if!
What if...we'd start not aggressing on others, not stealing, not killing and yes, also collaborating with each other!
Wouldn't it be better?

But no man is an island, we need rules for a functional society!! Yes, indeed: don't kill, don't steal, don't cause harm to others-"but that's too simplistic! It gotta be more complex! Imagine in a big city"- don't kill, don't steal, don't be a fucking asshole-"but in a subway station.."-don't harm others, don't steal from them..-"but the hospitals"-..same thing.."but we gotta be forcing those selfish individualists to support the poor and the infrastructures.."-by the term individualist, another hijacked term, you really mean egoist, and no, they shouldn't be forced to do anything either, but that's opening a whole other can of worms fo another time maybe.

I just wanted to point this out, we're trained for complexity even if something is really simple, like freedom, all the rest are details that can be discussed peacefully once freedom has been obtained.

Honestly, I'm also fed up with arguments like this, and really felt to call bullshit on it!

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