FORGIVENESS (Forgive ?! I will never forgive him for what he did)

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Who has not gone through the difficult process of forgiveness? We harbor anger and resentment, often wanting to retaliate. This is especially true when sins have been committed such as adultery, murder, treachery, various forms of abuse, defamation, etc.

The reality is that when we do not forgive, we are suffering because we are trapped in our negative thoughts and feelings. We fall into the trap of sin and we are slowly poisoning our lives. The same is true when we say we are sorry but do not forget the memory of past sin.

It is clear that God wants us to forgive those who sin against us, no matter how big or small. Why? Because He forgave us. We can experience the happiness of his compassion only when we are compassionate toward others. We only ask him for help because he alone will give us the strength to do this difficult thing: to forgive completely.

How many times must we forgive? The Word of God says it is 77 × 7 or in other words, even a few times. If not, whatever we bring before God as a worship will be in vain. The advice for spouses not to let the sun sink their anger into the heart is the same for all of us.

If you are the one who apologizes but is not forgiven, then give it to God. Just try not to repeat the sin you have committed and show your change. If the offender does not want to apologize, decide to adjust your will and forgive. It is God who acts in their lives.

Forgiveness is a decision. When you choose to forgive, you choose to be free and to honor God.

Thank you

Image credit @thekittygirl

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