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Is sweet really harmful to health?

sweet-foods-5baf04d73b1de.jpgSugar, Sugar, Sugar - Called by the name, it has become the number one enemy of public health in the last few decades due to constant warnings from scientists and doctors. The government is putting tax on it. Schools and hospitals are excluding from the diet list. Experts say, give us complete dishes from our food.

We are always listening, those who eat more sweets are more at risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But there is a word on the contrary. In fact, sugar is responsible for these health problems - it may or may not be.

How exactly do these chemicals have a detrimental effect on our health, but scientists see it, it is very difficult to prove. Especially when it is not eaten with high calorie-rich foods.

Over the last five years, the results of multiple research have been found to show that, if there are more than 150 grams of fructose in a day's diet, it will increase the risk of high blood pressure or cholesterol problems. But researchers also said, it happens only when you are eating high-calorie foods with high calorie foods. They also say that health risks are not only made for sugar - it can not be said.sweets-5baf023a34027.jpgScientists also say that there are many dangers to identify a food as the root cause of the problem, because this may cause you to stop eating any foods needed for the human body.

Scientists say high levels of fructose-rich corn syrup or excess sugar, drinks, honey, or white sugar - Agilo can cause heart problems, because it plays a role in the collection of triglyceride fats inside the artery. Various surveys show that the addition of sugar added foods or drinks to this effect has been linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

But due to Sugar that there is heart disease or diabetes - there is still no way to make it clear. Professor Luke Tappi of Luzen University says that extra calorie diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure and sugar are just part of high calorie-rich foods. It has been found that athletes or athletes who are more active in physical exercise than they are eating, they are digested and do not have any harmful effects.sweets11-5baf02e0e29f0.jpgSome studies say that the attraction of sugar or sweet eating is like the attraction of cocaine, which can be said to be an addiction. But there has been criticism against these research that the data here is misinterpreted. Some surveys say that those who have more soft drinks or fruit juices are less likely to lose their memory, their average brain size is less.

But Australian Swinburn Center researcher Matthew Pace says that he is not sure that the health of the brain affects only sugar intake. Apart from that, people who drink more soft drinks, they may at least take part in physical exercises. There may also be a relationship with the health of the brain.

In other studies, it has also been found that, in older people, sugar may be helpful in improving memory and raising the ability to work in kindness. The health guidance given by the scientists is currently being said, people should not have more than 5 percent of the carbohydrate that they accept every day.sweetss-5baf0414b5aa4.jpgAccording to food expert Renee McGregor, 'the definition of balanced food is different for each of us.'

Actually giving up sugar from food table can also be contradictory. It may be that you may eat more food than extra calorie intake by excluding sugar, so the loss is more.

There is a strong debate about sugar or sweet foods, so we are at risk of confusion. We are mixing healthy fruits, which contain sugar, soft drinks with them, so that there is no nutritious ingredient without extra sugar.

So why do we deny that sugar or sweet food means bad - why is it so negative?

According to Professor Alan Levinovitz of James Maxis University, 'One of the reasons is that we portray the thing that we can not avoid the attraction as evil. We're doing the same thing to control sweet food persecution.

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