Increase the brightness of the skin, raw yellow juice

juice-123-5b69526a0944c.jpgSince the Middle Ages, raw yellow is being used in skin care. It helps prevent the skin becoming damaged, toxin from the body. An antioxidant component in raw yellow juice plays an effective role in maintaining the youthfulness of the skin. It increases the skin's brightness regularly.

However, if the carrots, cucumbers and lemon are mixed with the juice of raw haluds, then drinks do a better job because the vitamins and minerals in the carrots help in the gases. And if the digestion increases, the skin's brightness increases. Fibers and water in the lid maintain moisture on the skin. The lemon contains natural antioxidant material that plays a role in finding toxin from the body.

How to make the yellow juice

Ingredients: half a cup of carrot pieces, one piece of raw yellow, half cup cucumber spinach, one lemon juice, one cup of water

Preparation Method: Clean all the ingredients with water. Then blend together Blender. Pour the mixture into a refrigerator and put it in the fridge. Drink it once a day. Regularly this juice will become your skin bright and youthful.

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