Spanish Jazapacho Soup 西班牙芝士碗汤

1194-594x396.jpgIs the symbol of health in Spain and became the most popular eaters in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and thought a lot of it belongs to Muslims and Arab Christians who lived in Andalusia is the most common for the simplicity of its components and is a summer food because it offers cool and light.

Is the symbol of health in Spain and became the most popular eaters in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and thought a lot of it belongs to Muslims and Arab Christians who lived in Andalusia is the most common for the simplicity of its components and is a summer food because it offers cool and light.
Jazabacho包括(半公斤去皮西红柿 - 100克洋葱 - 10克红辣椒 - 100克芹菜 - 15克香菜 - 10克碎蒜 - 1/4杯醋 - 2柠檬 - 15克糖 - 4汤匙番茄汁 准备 - 30克百里香和碎罗勒-3汤匙橄榄油)。

Is the symbol of health in Spain and became the most popular eaters in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and thought a lot of it belongs to Muslims and Arab Christians who lived in Andalusia is the most common for the simplicity of its components and is a summer food because it offers cool and light.
Jazabacho是成分最简单的食物之一,准备时需要将原料切碎,然后放入食品搅拌机中,零星地打零食,以确保混合物均匀,开始时加入醋,洋葱和糖,小心地加入食物。 在冰箱直到它的介绍,如果你喜欢,你可以添加大蒜和橄榄油吐司是一顿饱餐。

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