Godfather's spaghetti

"This is not personal. This is a strict business, "says Michael Corleone in The Godfather. Dough is a thing because it can be cracked or hard, but if the sauce is bad, then the result can cause surprises ... and these guys do not like the surprises. If you do not want a horse head in your bed, do yourself a favor ... take care of the sauce! Because the Spaghetti's soul lives in it.

„Ez nem személyes. Ez szigorúan üzlet.” – mondja Michael Corleone A Keresztapában. A tészta egy dolog, mert lehet szétfőtt vagy kemény, de ha a szósz rossz, akkor a végeredmény okozhat meglepetéseket… pedig ezek a fiúk nem szeretik a meglepetéseket. Ha nem akarsz lófejet az ágyadba, tegyél magadnak egy szívességet… ügyelj a szószra! Mert abban lakik a spagetti lelke.


This week I read about a pair of movie food in the Dívány blog. Saturday, so dough. There was no question that spaghetti like Godfather. filmed.

The Recipe for Spaghetti Sauce - 1972 movie

2 whole tomatoes, added 12 chopped plums or gipsy snacks
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves crushed garlic
2 small or 1 large box of tomato paste
1 teaspoon basil and 1 teaspoon. oregano (this is not to be seen in the movie, but it should be included)
Half a pound of meat or boiled sausage or sliced ​​meatballs
2 tablespoons of dry red wine
1/4 cup sugar

I changed that by making 5 big meaty tomatoes, which I scalded and so easily fell down. I also peeled 5 large plums, I cut it fine and so did the olive garlic.

Heat the oil over medium heat, then put the garlic on it. Add the tomatoes and plums, let's cook them soft. Add the tomato paste, basil, oregano and thyme. Add the grated pork. Stir until the meat completely absorbs the sauce color. Mix the red wine and the sugar. I use brown sugar. Allow it to sprinkle on a slow fire for at least one hour and stir it diligently to avoid losing it.






The Italian spaghetti is thrown into the water in salt-water without breaking. We do not mix for a few minutes because it breaks. 9 to 11 minutes of cooking time, so it will be overwhelming. I pour the fleshy sauce and fry it a bit, then serve it. Bon apetit! Do not forget to sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan and, of course, pour red wine used in sauce 🙂





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