Sweet Dandelion Alchemy

Summer exploded in yellow!

First, at the very beginning of spring, primroses appeared from under last year's dry grass - like solar messengers left on the ground on guard of Spring, who now greet their patron - the Sun!


And after the primroses, the yellow baton is slowly but surely accepted by...



How much juicy light, bright color and solar flares spilled over the fields, meadows and clearings!


Еhey really catch the eye, screw up our eyes , make our faces smile and cause a light, happy laugh!


So warm next to these yellow glades. Like next to a color geyser!


And how much sun they add to every summer day! What joyful excitement and inspiration!


That would be wonderful to save these sun drops until next summer!

Get them out in a cold monotonous winter and be surprised how colorful life is in summer!


There is one way... Easy way... Sweet way...

I decide to make dandelion honey!


To do this, in dry weather I will go to a neighboring clearing and collect 300 large blooming flowers.


It is interesting that, unlike other recipes where the ingredients are measured by weight (g, kg), or by volume (spoons and glasses) - this recipe is the only one I know that is measured by number of flowers 🌞


I clean the collected flowers from the excess greenery of the stalks, from the former inhabitants, and, having thoroughly washed them, I fill them with clean cold water for two hours ...


With the next act I preparing a syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water. I drain the water from the dandelions and immerse them in the finished syrup. When it boils, I cook for another 20 minutes at a low boil.


Two or three minutes before turning off, I will add the juice of half a lemon to the potion so that it also boils a little.


I turn it off and leave it overnight.

The next day, I separate the honey from the flowers: I filter it through a sieve.


And again put on a weak boil for 20 minutes.

Dandelion honey is ready!

You can eat right away, or you can pour the boiled nectar into sterilized jars and leave yourself a piece of summer until the cold winter.


And so I caught a piece of the sun and will keep it until the gloomy cold winter, so that on one of the cozy family evenings in the summer I will pamper my family and friends.


Thank you for your attention!

For the benefits of all living beings!


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