About Lemang Aceh

Lemang is a food dish made from sticky rice. How to manufacture is to process the material, then burned until cooked.


The way of making it is similar in various regions of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, the most widely introduced the dish.

You certainly look at children's shows like ipin upin not? One of the characters named Mail usually sells the lemang.

Of course with this introduction, you certainly think that this dish is typical of Malaysia.

Please note, this lemang is a typical dish of the Malay nation. Malay nation itself is widespread in southeast asia, including those in Indonesia and brunei.

When entering Indonesia, of course there is a mixture of culture which makes the area more characteristic of Malay nation.


Even Indonesia itself has said that including the Malay nation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the typical food dish in a certain area is similar or similar.

In Aceh itself, lemang has become a typical dish. Especially made at major religious events.

The most common example of making lemang is in Ramadan. In addition, traditional ceremonies in Aceh are also available to provide the dish.

I do not know where it comes from the food, which must be a delicious dish to be consumed by Southeast Asian society.

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