Do You Really Know What Your Eating - Shocking YOY Changes

Before I start this post I have to explain you why it could become a reality.

I will ask you: How many Vegan's friends do you have??? If you don't know what Vegan means..

"Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose."

So in other way this person should receive all the proteins but not from animals...and for sure you are thinking now about vegetable proteins. Fair enough.

Since few years has been introduced a new word "NOVEL FOOD" that means..

"Novel food is defined as a type of food that does not have a significant history of consumption or is produced by a method that has not previously been used for food".

Check on FDA (US webpage) or FSA(UK) or EFSA (EU) it is explained everything you need to know about novel food.

What exactly you don't know... is that in the Novel food are included as well the INSECTS.

Photo from the guardian... link below

Insects should become a staple of people’s diets around the world as an environmentally friendly alternative to meat but persuading consumers to overcome “the yuck factor” will be a key issue, says the report by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap) which assesses challenges to the development of the food system in the next 10 years.

Novel foods in Western diets will incorporate insects to some degree, in a similar way to the spread of sushi from Japan in 2000s, but the major growth will be for feed to livestock as alternative source of protein.

Richard Swannell, (director at Wrap), said: “We are in danger of, by 2020, the land that is available to us that is productive from an agricultural perspective, being pushed to its limits. So if we can find alternative protein sources that reduce the need for land use or land use change then that’s a really good thing to look for”.

Ground cricket flour is already being used as a protein source in North America, he said.
The adoption of insects as a protein in animal diets will be “more straightforward”

Meat requires much more land and water for the production process. Beef is a particular issue, using 28 times more land than other meats and 160 more than carbohydrate staples, with some experts arguing that giving up beef can reduce an individual’s carbon footprint more than giving up their car. But fears of a consumer backlash are preventing change, according to a leading thinktank.

Everything that is animal's food gets transformed in food for us (through milk and meat).

Photo from

So think.... if instead of "plants" we will give cockroach for example... what do you think this means???

Thank you for your attention!


Part of my post research was from

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