Vegan Omelette with @vegantraveller

Ever since @vegantraveller mum presented this dish for me i've been totally hooked and trying to tweak the recepie even more.

This time i added carrots as the extra ingredient.

And i use aloooooot of oil to fry up the vegetables.

For spices i always use my strong chili, but not everyone is so fond of that ✌️🧙‍♀️

I mix water withthe chickpea flour with salt and spices until i get the perfect liquid. This is the secret of getting the best result.

After all is fried i turn down the heat to minimum and put a lid on. Every 10 minute i go and remove oil with a spoon.

This big omelette needs more than 1 hour preparing before its turned....


Be healthy peeps, dont eat to much oils 😂🧙‍♀️✌️

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