Friends help feed the soul...and in this case, the tummy!

So, I got invited out to a dinner with some of the ladies I work with. As many of you may have noticed from my other situations are not my strong suit. I actually love the idea of going out with a group of people, engaging in adult conversation and having a grand old just isn’t usually the case once I’m actually out. I usually start over thinking on the way there, and by the time I’m actually at the restaurant or venue or’s full on panic and not much fun.
This particular evening would prove to be an exception. I had had only ever been out with one of the girls I was a little unnerved (that’s just me) but as soon as we sat down...and that first sip of Saki hit my lips ( yes, alcohol helps) it was like we were all old friends!
The place was one I had never been before. I was skeptical about the concept...all you can eat sushi made fresh to order! It was amazing! They had a huge menu with specialty rolls, sashimi, salads, appetizers and hibachi. We filled out our menus and put in orders of shareable delights. I ate my weight in was awesome. I’m always on the hunt for good restaurants and I will definitely be coming back with my husband.
The girls and I talked about work stuff, relationship stuff...the conversation may have gotten a bit raunchy as the evening it was a much needed night out with the girls. I really think it was good for my soul! We’ve decided to make a regular thing of this...and try new restaurants every couple of weeks! So...for the fellow sushi lovers...some pics of the deliciousness! 509034E5-C1B0-49E5-9D1F-E08A1719EE57.jpeg21F43D47-DF08-4476-9901-25E509C91B0D.jpeg9DDA352F-E9AD-4FF5-A52A-D37BAE04E138.jpeg486322E2-1DA9-4A3A-9252-03554284574C.jpeg

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