The soft drink conspiracy

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If you visit the grocery store, you will find that there are tons of soft drinks for sale and this is not an accident.

Soft drinks are one of the most consumed beverages in the USA and this shows with how sick, obese and dumb people are in the USA.

It is really sad seeing all these poor kids get their health ruined by consuming garbage soft drinks and all the other fast-food crap. Soft drinks are not only horrible for your teeth but they are one of the worst things that you can consume. The truth is the best drink you can drink is good old water. But having bottled or fluoride water is not ideal. When you buy bottled water, you will get BPA estrogen mimickers and fluoride.

The mainstream fake media has created a meme out of Alex Jones saying that they are making the frogs gay, and the truth is that this is the reality even though Alex Jones is a lying Zionist gatekeeper that puts out tons of BS and some truth so that they can associate anyone that understands the conspiracy facts of this world as a blubbering idiot like Alex Jones.

When you drink water, you should avoid bottled water and city tap water. The fluoride they are pumping into the water supply is making you dumb and sick. Fluoride has been shown to lower children’s IQ and who knows what other harmful effects it has. If you live in the city, it will be very good for you to buy a water filter that removes fluoride and other toxic substances. After living in the country for some time I can say that cold well water is one of the best and most refreshing drinks. When I have to get some water in town, I can not believe how people put up with such horrible tasting city water. I am glad to say that I have never consumed the crap soft drinks that people love to drink so much.

Lets look at some interesting facts about soft drinks and the conspiracy that is behind them.

Here are the ingredients of the most famous soft drink which is Coca-Cola.

  1. High fructose corn syrup
    This is one of the worst ingredients that is practically found in everything. With corn syrup you are not only getting the toxic GMO corn but also mercury has been found in a large percentage of commercial HFCS.

  2. Caramel color
    This is made from corn sugar and other sugars.

  3. Phosphoric acid
    This chemical has been shown to contribute to osteoporosis and is very acidic.

  4. Natural flavors
    When ever you see the word “natural” on something you can conclude that is means nothing. Some of speculated “natural” flavors in Coke-Cola are. 1. Citric acid. This is made from black mold, GMO corn is used to feed the mold. 2. Cocaine this is where the Coke part comes from. They used to use this in the original recipe. Coke-Cola denies that they still use cocaine in the recipe but when is it ever safe to trust a corporation? The speculation is because Coke-Cola has trade secrets.

  5. Caffeine
    Coke-Cola claims that is for flavor but the truth is that they want you addicted to the crap. Addicts of this drug will claim that it has health “benefits, but this is false.

The first product from one of the most evil corporations Monsanto; was Saccharin aka coal-tar for the Coke-Cola company.

If we look to the beginning of Coke-Cola, we will see that it was invented by a pharmacist named John Pemberton. After surviving a stab John started taking morphine to help with the pain and then became addicted.

Wanting to become free from his morphine addiction he turned to the idea of using other non opium painkillers as a solution to his problem. The result of this experimenting led to the creation of Pemberton’s French Wine Coca. This was sold as a cure-all medicine/drink. It was made from alcohol and cocaine. This drink later evolved into Coke-Cola, after temperance laws were enacted, he was forced to remove the alcohol but not the cocaine. Some good advice to take is that you should never eat something created by a pharmacist.

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most sinister and evil things that plays a huge part in this New World Order.

The creator of Pepsi-Cola was also a pharmacist and something else that is interesting is that the inventor of Coke-Cola and Pepsi-Cola where both Freemasons.

Some people think that diet coke is better but the truth is that it is far worse. You should avoid diet “foods” at all costs. Here is a quick overview of the ingredients in diet Coke that are different from regular Coke-Cola.

Diet Coke ingredients.

  1. Aspartame
    This artificial sweetener was created by the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle, LLC which was merged into Monsanto. GD Searle is now a trademark of Pfizer. The CEO of this company between 1977 and 1985 was Donald Rumsfeld. This just shows the revolving door of politicians moving from working for pharmaceutical companies and then for the government.

Aspartame is made from a combination of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. Aspartic acid was originally made from an isolate of asparagus juice that was processed with lead hydroxide. Some people think that if something is made from a chemical that was originally in a plant then it is safe but this is not the case. They may take something from nature to concoct the ingredients of a product but they pervert what came from nature with all the processing and modification.

92 side effects have been associated with aspartame consummation!

The number of side effects come from the complaints of symptoms that people felt came from the aspartame that they consumed. Here are some of the most horrific side effects death, irreversible brain damage, Alzheimer’s disease, blindness, epileptic seizures, severe depression and hives. There are so many side effects that have been linked to the consummation of this horrible poison that it would take pages to document them all in detail.

One of the most nasty tricks that these artificial sweetener companies use to mislead people is calling aspartame by different names. As soon as people learn of the dangers of an artificial sweetener, they change the name so that people are caught of guard. Here are some of the names that aspartame is sold under NutraSweet, Equal and Canderel. The FDA will claim that aspartame is safe like all the other pharmaceutical garbage they approve. The FDA is fully controlled by pharmaceutical and biotech corporations. When you try to learn about the dangers of aspartame you will be bombarded with industry controlled propaganda websites and all sorts of disinfo from big pharma/biotech shills. You should avoid all artificial sweeteners like the plague. The New York Times fake news website has an article claiming that artificial sweeteners are safer than regular sugar! It is best to avoid sugar in general since most of it is GMO but when you do have sugar you should stick with raw organic cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar and some others that are not filled with toxic crap.

  1. Potassium benzoate
    This additive is used to stop food from spoiling. This chemical is also used to make fireworks whistle. Some of the connected side effects are: damage to DNA, trouble sleeping, light-headedness and hyperactivity. If potassium benzoate and ascorbic acid are combined and heated, they can create the carcinogen benzene.

Mountain Dew is a very popular drink in fact the 4th most popular drink after Coke and Pepsi including the diet versions. The ingredients mentioned already will not be covered here since Mountain Dew contains all of those plus a few more nasty ones.

  1. Brominated vegetable oil
    This ingredient is illegal in Japan, India and the European Union but here in the USA where the government is dead set on killing a major percentage of the population that is not the case. Pepsi-co said back in 2013 that it would remove BVO from all it’s drinks but as of now BVO is still in Mountain Dew. The side effects associated with BVO are the syndrome bromism which can lead to hallucinations, anorexia, psychosis, tumors, nausea and coma. A man was paralyzed from drinking large amounts of Soda with BVO.

  2. Tartrazine aka Yellow 5
    This has been shown to cause hyperactivity in children and other side effects have been linked with Yellow 5. Cancer and asthma possibly can be caused by Yellow 5. Petrochemicals are used to make Yellow 5. It would be wise to stay away from any numbered food coloring.

  3. Erythorbic acid
    This a stereoisomer of ascorbic acid which is mostly made from GMOs. You should avoid GMOs as much as possible since there are so many negative side effects. GMOs are just plain evil! GMOs are being used to depopulate the planet and make us all sick.

  4. Calcium Disodium
    EDTA stands for Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. EDTA is synthesized from ethylenediamine, formaldehyde and sodium cyanide. Studies have concluded that high oral exposure to EDTA can cause reproductive and developmental problems. A common saying is that if you can’t pronounce it you shouldn’t eat it and this seems to be a good rule.

One of the most sad things associated with Mountain Dew is Mountain Dew mouth. You can look this up of you want to see a picture of what happens to your teeth when you consume large amounts of Mountain Dew. These images are quite disturbing. Appalachia is where Mountain Dew mouth is a real epidemic; parents of young babies have been known to give their babies baby bottles filled with Mountain dew which IMO is child abuse. It is really sick that these huge companies are allowed to poison people with toxic sodas and rot their teeth out. But small farms selling raw milk are descended upon by SWAT teams and terrorized and harassed for doing nothing wrong.

The thing that people need to understand is that with soda pop you are getting a ton of toxicity from all the nasty chemicals and to add to that you are getting the fluoride water plus to add to all that you are getting BPA or aluminum from the container that you are consuming the soda from.

7 UP and it’s fascinating past.

7 UP was invented in 1929 by Charles Leiper Grigg. The original name for 7 UP was Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda. Like Coke-Cola 7 UP originally contained drugs. In this case the drug was lithium citrate. After 40 years 7 UP was bought by Westinghouse Electric Corporation and then sold to Philip Morris. Now 7 UP us under the control of Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the USA and outside of the USA is under the license of PepsiCo. Most of the toxic soft drinks popular today can trace their roots to a patent medicine product.

Some people will stop drinking soft drinks and move to drinking energy drinks or sports drinks but the truth is that these drinks are no better for you and contain a lot of the same artificial garbage found in soft drinks.

Red Bull
Sucrose is the sugar found in many drinks and Red Bull uses that as the sweetener instead of HFCS. Sucrose is made from either beet sugar or cane sugar and since beet sugar is cheaper you can know that the sugar is beet sugar if it does not say that it is cane sugar. Beet sugar is 100% GMO so you should avoid it. Cane sugar is currently non GMO so it is best to have that over beet sugar.

The other ingredients in Red Bull are just more highly processed artificial crap so those will not be covered here since it is just common sense to avoid that crap.

This drink was invented by Robert Cade at the University of Florida. Gatorade is very connected with the sports insanity that has infected the world. The whole idea of professional sports is a sign of how idiotic and wasteful people have become. In the olden days people did not have to go to the gym or play sports to get exercise since back in those days people got plenty of exercise from just working around the homestead.

If you want a good energy drink, you can make your self some Switchel aka haymaker’s punch; this drink is what people used to drink to get energy well they where making hay in the olden days. Switchel is very simple: just water, apple cider vinegar, ginger and honey. You can look up the recipe if you want to try this health energy drink.

In regards to the ingredients in Gatorade there is nothing new here just more of the same; junk sugar, artificial colors, citric acid and “natural” flavors.

You should never give your kids soft drinks, and you should teach them about why they are so bad for their teeth and their health. Soft drinks are just another way that the powers that be are destroying people and a rejection of them is an essential step to being healthy.

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