Bittergourd and Shrimps (Oseng-Oseng Pare)

Sunday Funday, Friends ❤️

Sunny day. The only sunny day for days to come supposedly. I kinda believe it. It's been wet, chilly, and gloomy for some days (already) now. We will be using this beautiful Sunday to work on the greenhouse 😍 But of course, I am here first, to share you a recipe, before I head to the backyard 😁 I do hope your Sunday is as lovely as we are having at the moment 😊

Today's recipe is another Indonesian dish. I have shared this food quite a few times before. What can I say, it's one of our (my husband's and mine) favorite vegetable dish 😊 Each time is not exactly the same tho. I always add differ flavoring and/or add-ons 😁


2 bags of large shrimps (such as tiger shrimps), rinse
2 large bittergourd, slice thinly
2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tsp firm shrimp paste (terasi)
5 garlic
6 green bird eye chilies, leave them as is or you can slice them thinly
Chicken bouillon powder, to taste.

Place sliced bittergourd in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt, rub and squeeze until juice is out, then rinse a couple of times

Slice garlic thinly and place in a pan, followed with oil, shrimp paste and sliced green eye chilies. Saute until fragrant


Stir in rinsed bittergourd, cook for 2 mins, stirring now and then


Add in shrimps, season with chicken bouillon powder, and cook until shrimps pinkish



Serve with warm rice 😍

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