As I stated in my introductory post I am an aspiring vegan, which means I am attempting to phase animal products out of my diet. So far I have stopped eating beef,lamb and poultry as well as drinking cows milk. However, from time to time I still enjoy fish, shellfish, and CHEESE mmmmm.
Most recently I have discovered this awesome fast casual dining chain called "by Chloe" which is Kosher, Vegan, all plant based - and DELICIOUS!!
On my first visit I discovered an item that changed my life! Shiitake bacon. Yes bacon made from mushrooms. I loved it so much I went home to find a recipie to try duplicate the yumminess. I googled a few recipies and they seemed fairly simple and they all called for typical kitchen staples : olive oil, smoked paprika, brown sugar or maple syrup but they also included something I think I may have seen in the supermarket but definitely did not have in my pantry. LIQUID SMOKE.
What the heck is liquid smoke?
Well Liquid Smoke is a liquid (duh) that is created by passing wood smoke through a chamber where the vapor is captured and condensed. Along with that familiar smoky flavor we all know and love, the resulting liquid also contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or (PAHs), which can be carcinogenic. These PAHs are present in larger quanities whenever you cook with wood over an open flame (ie. bbq'ing). It is the mystery ingredient that gives many commercially produced foods their smoky flavor. In fact it is a common additive in many smoked cheeses, barbecue sauce, hot dogs and pork bacon.
The amount of PAHs in liquid smoke varies depending on the type of wood and the smoking temperature. The amounts in liquid smoke are very small and thankfully a little goes a long way. Most recipies call for just a teaspoon or two which is a price Im willing to pay if it can give me a bacon flavored veggie!

If I haven't scared you off yet, go grab yourself a bottle and try my shiitake bacon recipie. Your tastebuds will thank you.

Shiitake bacon


2 cups thinly sliced shiitake mushroom caps (stems removed)

2 tbls olive oil or sesame oil

1 tsp Liquid smoke

1 tsp soy sauce or tamari

Pinch of brown sugar


Whisk together all ingredients except mushrooms in a bowl.

Add mushrooms to mix and let marinate for 30mins to an hr

Spray cookie sheet w cooking spray

Heat oven to 350 degrees

Spread an even layer on cookie sheet

Bake at 350 degrees for 10 mins

Flip and bake for another 10 mins. Check for crispness after 5 mins

Turn up to 375 for last 5 minutes, paying close attention not to burn

Remove from oven and drain on paper towel to remove excess oil.

Serve immediately.

They are the perfect crispy topping for salads, soups and veggie burgers!

What would you use shiitake bacon for? Leave me a comment and let me know

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