Baking For The First Time !! 🙀 Disaster ? See How The Cake Turned Out ! 🎂

Hello Steemit Friends,

Have you ever asked yourself , what is something you are definitely not ?. In my case i never saw myself as i cook or a baker. Just because of the idea of how women are supposed to be turned me off on exploring this. As a grew a little older i realized how unfair the idea that i was having was and i should never limit myself from anything. So lately i figured to join a little cake baking class. Just a short and sweet one to see how it goes and how much i like it.



I am here today at Dandelion Cafe. They offer this little 3 hours class which is perfect for me.
For you guys who thinks i am going to teach you how to bake today. Don't worry, i am not. I just want to share a new experience.

These are the cakes they offer to bake with you with prices differ according to each style you may want to try out. I decided to choose the first one Chocolate Bear Cake.


As i arrived, the shop have cakes placed to be sold and i've seen many slices been bought. They are starting to offer Christmas gift sets and the workshop for it will be offered soon.


I booked the earliest one at 10:00 am. Luckily it's a Sunday with no traffic and this place is very close to where i live so its super convenient.


Everything has been prepared so it's just stirring and mixing the ingredients.


Seems easy right ?. Well, even with that at one point i accidentally poured too much milk that almost ruined the process of making the butter cream. Also, i didn't realized that making one cake required so many steps.



These Are New Things I learnt From Class Today

  1. How important it is to have a Measuring Scale. Everything has to be exact to make a good cake. Exploring are for pros !
  2. Vanilla Extract is a must even for chocolate cakes. It prevents the cake from having the eggish smells.
  3. Coating your holder with oil before pouring your cake ingredients and put it into the oven so it doesn't sticks.
  4. Before putting the cake into the oven, you need to heat up the oven before hand to get the temperature needed. If i would have done this on my own man this would be a disaster. !!

Many of you might know this already and would be surprised that i don't ! Yes, I just learnt this today.


While waiting for cake during it's time in the oven, i was told that the second floor is expecting a Harry potter tea party. As it was very early and no one was there yet so i went up and had a look.



They make private theme parties here where it can be discussed with the shop's designer on what mood you are up for. From Mermaids to Alice In Wonderland or a Foresty greenish theme. It can be done to whatever theme you may imagine and desire.


Okie so here we are !!. My cake turned out pretty good. I had a little problem applying the cream on the cake which is the hardest part of making one. I definitely cant say that i am a pro now but i can say that i have baked a cake. I dont know if i could consider making this my forte as i am a sweet lover and i would just eat all the sweets i created. Anyhow, i am more interested to learn to cook these days. I would surely come back here and have a blast tea party with my girlfriends, thats for certain !!!.

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Much Love, Suzana

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