Bare fruit custard. Especial recipe

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my blog. Today i will share one especial recipe. It's Bare fruit custard. Now let's go start ..

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Custard like a birthday, a wedding or a festival. However, each recipe can be taken without a custard, and the recipe can vary. Easy to cook to give priority to the choice of small-large people in the home. Fruit custard. If you know, the bouquet of fruit custard recipe.

1 Three kg of milk
2 Custard powder three table spoon
3 Egg is a
4 Sugar 400 g
5 Bring half cup
6 Papaya a cup
7 A cup of apple
8 Sea Cup Two Cups
9 Fruit Cake Quarter Pound
10 Cherry fruit 10
11 A cup of grapes
12 Kalashadam kiichi one teaspoon
13 A teaspoon of raisins

Prepare the system:
Make one kilogram of milk with sugar three times a day. Sprinkle eggs in a cup of custard powders, pour it on hot milk and keep stirring. When the mixture becomes thick, stirring constantly stirring it. In a large bowl, frost cake pieces first, then add papaya, apple, banana pieces and pour the thick custard mixture with spoon. Pour it in such a way that the fruits are covered. Now bring the pan, kalashadam, kishmishi, cherry fruits, grapes, and decorate them with refrigerators for two to three hours.

So, friends let's go and make this food. I hope all will enjoy.

Thank you for reading my article. Please stay with me.

[Recipe from my aunty)

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