Dieting: Low carbs is the way to go, NOT counting calories!

Some people can eat everything without getting fat. My wife for example! Full blown chinese take-out and the next day. poof GONE! Not a pound gained! I however can gain some weight from breathing air... It's a struggle I have for my whole life and born in '83 it's quite a long time. Being overweight since 8 years old I tried not much to lose some but when I and my wife emigrated to Sweden in 2011 it was time for a change! Weighing 140 kg with a length of 1,95 m it was not healthy and very dangerous.


So I changed my eating habits from eating a lot of carbs to eating a salad, cut the bread out which I loved very very much since I grew up as a baker's son with fresh warm baked bread every day.
The period that I lived together with my wife in Sweden was a good one! I lost more than 27 kgs in 8 months. I walked every day 1,5 km to get my ingredients for my salad, no more bread and eating veggies with fish as a meal. Things got in shape and after emigrating back to the Netherland with 112 kg on the scale I was happy, looking good and feeling great!

Then back here I got my old job back and also my habits... Work was too far away for biking and was taking the car every day, our first child came and my rhythm was gone just like my motivation to eat salads or other non-processed foods. I've gained some weight since my return from Sweden. To be exact: a little bit more than 20 kgs.

It was at this point that I said to myself: No more!

My fellow steemian and colleague @s3rg3 got me motivated again January this year with this low-carb diet.
Started the end of January and to this point I've lost more than 11,5 kg without working out!

Taking the bicycle everyday to work isn't working for me. It doesn't help me losing weight and this diet is working for me in a way that is much easier then going to the gym which costs time. Time I rather spend with my wife and kids.

What do you eat during a normal day?
Eating 2 boiled eggs with mayonnaise and some chicken filet in the morning, a salad during lunch with an boiled egg and mayo and little pieces of chicken, bell peppers and the dinner is mostly meat and some veggies or something light like grilled chicken.
As a snack I eat little sausages when I'm hungry or pure chocolate (85% cacao) which I share sometimes with my colleague @s3rg3. This diet is very easy and it's not going fast but hey: It works!
Ow yeah one more thing... Lots and lots of water! Water is KEY! No other stuff like sugared drinks or even milk products.


What now?
I know from now on that I have to change my eating habits to eating a salad from time to time. And low-carbs is the way for me. The thing is with Dutchies is that we eat bread for breakfast with a lot sweet things and during lunch it's not any different... In the evening most families have a standard diner with veggies, meat and potatoes. Carbs everywhere which is killing for me.


With this post I want to inspire other people that your time is NOW! Also for my colleague and fellow steemian @s3rg3 to get his guts together, stop drinking wine during school nights and start actively with this diet again because together we can do it!

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