Keep the Fresh Original Flavor of Young Coconut Water

The sun so bright, this afternoon was hot, I got out into the small garden behind my house to pluck some young coconuts. I looked up the tree, and there are have some coconut that I can take. I want to keep a fresh of coconut water, then I use the following methods, so you:

Take coconut, cut a little at the end, that  section we will use as artificial spoon to take the coconut meat inside.

Well, this is it an artificial spoon which we will use later.

Advice me, do not use anything made of iron for scraping coconut meat, except a chopping knife to split it.

Pour all the coconut water into a kettle or something else which made of plastic or glass (other than metal).

Peel the top of the coconut, divide, scrape the coconut meat with a spoon an artificial earlier, stir slightly and pour it into the glass.

Take a lime, cut and drops into the cup, not much! just two or three drops / cup, this will scent the coconut water aroma without changing the original taste. Fresher.

Stir in lemon extract in the glass using a pipette. I still recommend to not use a iron spoon, because iron will change the taste of coconut water. I don't know the scientific reason for this, but in my experience always always got change in taste.

Serve the young coconut water, put ice into a cup, drink it, and follow me:


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