The Story and Recipe of "Höşmerim" a beloved cheese dessert in my Hometown

Every region has its own cousine and own story. Turkey was really poor at that time because Ottoman Empire was just transforming in to the Turkish Republic and There was War of Independence going on in many fronts. So the tale starts like this a soldier came to home with peace and joy after he completed his duty to country.

After all those year his return to home made his wife joyful. How couldn't she not be joyful after all his beloved husband was back. After a little talking session she decided to make a table for her husband. Sadly there was not enough ingredients in the fridge. When she was thinking what should she do She saw the fresh cheese and she decides to prepare something out of

She starts to cook the cheese in low heat and She puts inside whatever she can find at the home. Sugar , Semolina and Egg Yolk. After cooking a little she was pleased what she saw and smell then She serves this desert to her husband and asks him "Hoş mu Erim ?" It is something like is it good my husband ? in Turkish language. When people narrate this story from mouth to mouth our beloved desert Hoş mu erim ? eventually become Höşmerim.

It was my nightmare because everytime when I go outside my small city everyone was asking Do you bring Höşmerim ?

You can serve this deserve with almonds , ice cream , cream , walnut


Ingredients for Höşmerim

1 Glass of Milk

1 Glass of Semolina

1 Glass of Water

1,5 Glass of Sugar

A Bowl of tongue shaped mozarella type unsalted cheese or some another Fatty cheese

And finally some almonds withthout crust.


As you can understand it is a quite simple dessert and not a lot of ingredients needed during its preparation

  • Slowly melt the mashed cheese in low heat

  • Slowly roast the semolina flour until it changes color to pink

  • Mix the roasted flour and mashed cheese and add sugar and mix and cook it untill it release its fat

  • Take out the dessert and let it rest for 10 Minute and close the pot.

And finally serve it with whatever ingredient you want.

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