Food Contest #3 By @mutitum :Arrowroot Chapati or Roti Or Flat bread

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Arrowroot is a plant that is grown in many parts of the world including Japan. They grow in wetlands as they need much water to grow.

What Is Arrowroot?

#Wikipedia has this to say

Arrowroot is a starch obtained from the rhizomes (rootstock) of several tropical plants, traditionally Maranta arundinacea, but also Florida arrowroot from Zamia integrifolia, and tapioca from cassava (Manihot esculenta), which is often labelled as arrowroot. Polynesian arrowroot or pia (Tacca leontopetaloides), and Japanese arrowroot (Pueraria lobata), also called kudzu, are used in similar ways.

Other Nutrients

Apart from starch or carbohydrates, arrowroots also has a percentage of fats. It also contain minerals like sodium and potassium and has zero percent cholesterol. Arrow roots boasts of vitamin C, Iron, about 15% Vitamin B-6 and magnesium. Expect to get 65 calories in 100 grams of arrowroot.

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Health Benefits

Dr. Axe in health and medicine gives 6 health benefits of arrowroots.

  • Aids in digestive system

  • It is safe for infants

  • Arrowroots treats urinary tract infections

  • It can boost the immune function

  • Fights food borne pathogens.

  • Soothes gum and mouth pain.

Recipe For Arrowroot Chapati


250 grams arrowroot flour

250 grams wheat flour

4 eggs

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 table spoons sugar

Cooking fat.



Mix the arrow root flour, wheat flour, salt and sugar in a container. Stir thoroughly so that they mix thoroughly. Break your eggs in another container and stir thoroughly. Add it to the flour mixture as you stir the mixture with your fingers.

Add water to the mixture. Do it slowly and little by little as you knead between your fingers. Do not make it too porridge like or very hard. Roll it as you knead till the dough is fine enough. Add some fats and continue kneading.

Store the mixture in a clean container as you prepare your board roller and frying pan. When you are ready, you can begin to roll.

Spread your mixture on the table. Roll it till it is about half an inch in thickness. Cut strips of an inch in broadness. Take the strips and roll them in your arms till you make balls almost your fist in diameter.

Put each ball on the chapati rolling board and roll till they make a smooth round flat bread. Light your fire and fry them on your frying pan. Fry till they have appetising chocolate brown patches all over them. Lest you forget, keep your fire low and turn to bake both sides of the chapati. Keep on doing this till you finish your strips or balls. This is a meal for the whole family.

Serve it with meat stew, fish stew or any other. You will have the best meal ever.

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How To Get Arrowroots flour

You can buy fresh arrowroots from your farm or buy them. Clean them up, wash them and peel them. Cut into small pieces which you can dry till they are ready to be grounded. Take them to the grind mill and grind into powder.

You can seek for grinded flour and buy. Check your supermarket or amazon for availability.


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