The joys of making food

Upon waking up this morning, I was filled with culinary inspiration. It's been quite some time since I've cooked something proper, and the joy of filling the kitchen air with the aroma of fresh food has been sorely missed. With my feelings the way they were, I set out to find a recipe that felt right to me. To my delight, one of my good friends gave me just that. A recipe for chicken breast stuffed with feta cheese, and lemon zest. When the excitement of learning the new recipe had worn off, I was off to the kitchen in order to prepare this seemingly delicious source of nourishment. Upon first glance, the recipe seemed simple, however as most culinary connoisseurs would agree, recipes can be deceptive as first glance. Upon starting, I realized that the recipe called for precise measurements. Although all recipes do, the relationship between spices had to be precise, or else it might risk compromising the flavors of the other elements. With my measuring cups in hand, I set out to make the perfect chicken, and what I ended up with, could be viewed as moderately successful. The meat was tender, and the sauce was smooth (What more could I ask for?) In the end, my comeback to the kitchen ended with a delicious meal, and I'll definitely be coming back more often.

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