Easy To Make Recipe # Paratha and Tricks To Preserve it For Future Use

Hi friends ! Today I am here with another recipe of making paratha and how to preserve it. Though it's really common but it has great benefit for people like me who preserve prepared food for find in time easily. So you ready for the procedure? Here it comes.


Well if say something about Paratha/ruti it's common to eat at breakfast, lunch or dinner with curry, vegetable even with desserts also it goes well. Some people like to have it in breakfast with bundia (sweet dish prepared by chana ata) So if we preserve it later we can keep it for future use!

So why shouId you follow my recipies? I try to use shortest list of ingredients and make it a way as easy as possible! As I am kind a person not willing spending hours and hours in the kitchen. I tried to do things the shortest smartest simple way!

So ready to have a look?


1.Wheat Flour half kg
2.Salt 1 tea spoon
3.Milk powder 2 table spoon
4.Sugar 2 table spoon
5.Lukewarm Water
6.Oil 2 table spoon

How To Make:

First mix all the dry ingredients. like flour,milk powder, salt,sugar in a large bowl as given in pictures. Then put oil and mix it. Then put lukewarm water slowly slowly and mix it don't pour much water together you'll end up extra soft, will not be good. so slowly pour water, mix and see how much more needed to make a soft dough. Knead it welly. Then leave it to rest for 10/15 minutes.





After this divide the dough into equal ball size pieces not so big not so small 2" diameter. Then make a small round shape polish it with oil sprinkle flour and then roll it like in the picture. make all the pieces like this.





Then again make round shape. After that in a preheated pan heat cook the paratha.

For Preserve:
Don't cook much just put it in the preheat pan and few seconds then flip the other side and take away and allow it to cool. After cooling in a air tight round container keep it in deep refrigator. In this manner half cooked parathas can be preserved for future use.




When needed took then and cook it by heating pan. Pouring oil into side places flip it once / twice press it while cooking in the pan.

Some people don't like use much oil then no need to use oil. Without oil can also be eaten. Which is more healthy.

Just cook it in preheated pan flipping pressing.

Remember to keep it in a covered hotpot or cover with piece of cloth to make sure it will remain soft after cooking.




So why shouId you follow my recipie? I try to use shortest list of ingredients and make it a way as easy as possible! As I am kind a person not willing spending hours and hours in the kitchen. I tried to do things the shortest smartest simple way! Its my way!😎

I have used here my taken pictures while preparing it. With pictures its easily understood.☺

Hope my work will be liked! Your honest reviews helps understanding things much better! And gives extra energy to work!😊

Happy Cooking!
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