The Fantastic Flat Iron Steakhouse in Central London / 特色牛排店 Flat Iron

The heart of Central London is bursting at the seams with so many amazing and varied restaurants. As a serious lover of food, I also like to try out a few of the hidden eateries tucked away in the cobbled, backstreets of the city. Two days ago, I had one such pleasure whilst dining out at an amazing steak and burger house I’ve discovered here so far. It’s called “Flat Iron” and I was so impressed with the food and service that I thought I’d write up a review based on my experience.

Being quite close to the famous Oxford Circus, it is not possible to book a table in the “Flat Iron” but they will take your name down and text you later on when your number is called. The waiting time can take up to 45 minutes, therefore I suggest placing your reservation with them and going for a stroll around the trendy Carnaby Street nearby to check the local shops out. Time will just fly by, I promise you!

The restaurant has a ground floor and lower level section providing ample place to sit down. While the menu itself is quite sparse, what they do serve up is pure quality food. Of course, the main attraction being the Flat Iron Steak. They source all their meat from specially selected farms based in Thirsk, North Yorkshire. They also offer on the menu a Flat Iron Burger which is prepared from the same great tasting beef.

Watch the narrow stairs on your way down

We were led downstairs to the basement area and offered a 2-seater table, which did prove slightly cramped, but that’s common place for all restaurants in the compacted streets of Central London. I opted for the steak whilst my friend chose the burger. All meals come with additional fries if you so wish. I couldn’t resist so ordered some as well. All meats are cooked as medium or medium/rare, whichever is your desired preference. Our waiter was cheerful and friendly, even though there were quite a number of customers constantly demanding attention even when we were in the middle of our order, lol.

The useful, little mini cleaver

Traditional style peppermill

We were firstly served an appetiser of popcorn in a white, vintage style enamel mug! It was lightly salted with just a hint of butter, which was really enjoyable. I was also pleasantly surprised at how promptly the food arrived given the sheer amount of people they had to cater for. The steak was served on a rectangular wooden carving plate complete with a mini-cleaver! Apparently, you can buy these at the restaurant for a reasonable £10 as a useful souvenir! The meat was succulent and juicy, served up with a creamy pepper corn sauce. The fries were crisp and also dripping with deliciousness. I’m not too sure but they tasted as though they were triple-cooked. Very, very nice! I had a bite of the burger too which I am glad to say also met the same standards of excellence as the steak. Everything was perfectly cooked and thoroughly enjoyable.

Crispy and delicious french fries

The burger was every bit as tasty as the steak itself. A very worthy alternative.

The strips of beef were mouthwatering and tender

In terms of desserts, they offer a salted caramel chocolate mousse though I was too full to eat anything else so sadly couldn’t comment on it. And one of the best parts about the whole thing was the pricing. The steak cost just £10 which is amazing value for money, with the burger being marginally higher at £12. Usually dining out in the centre of the city costs no less than £25 per head, however the entire bill for the both of us equated to £36 (including drinks and tips!). Nice to know that you don’t have to break the bank to have a fantastic night out dining in what is considered to be one of the most expensive cities in the world.

So, overall, a fantastic place to eat out in a location usually associated with high culinary pricing. If you are ever in need of an appetising, exquisite meal all for a very affordable price in Central London, you couldn’t go far wrong from the fabulous Flat Iron Steak. Very highly recommended.

伦敦中心聚集各式各样的餐馆,作为一个吃货,我总喜欢尝试一些隐蔽在后街小巷里的餐馆。两天前我很幸运地发现了一家美味的牛扒餐馆叫 “Flat Iron”, 特别在这里和大家分享一下。

由于离热闹的牛津街很近,Flat Iron餐馆不接受预定,但他们会把你的名字和电话号码留下。当你的餐桌准备好了,你会收到餐馆发的短信。等候时间可能需要45分钟,因此我建议大家可以在附近时尚的Carnaby街漫步,你会感觉时间一眨眼就过去了!

餐厅有两层,不大但却很温馨。菜单走的是伦敦这几年特别流行的简易路线,主攻一,两道经典菜,但提供的是高质量食物。餐馆的招牌当然是“Flat Iron Steak”,牛肉是专门从位于北约克郡的农场特别采购来的。除了牛排,当日厨师也特别推荐牛肉汉堡作为另一道主食。




总体来说,Flat Iron环境热闹,价格不贵,分量合理,绝对是吃货一族的首选!如果你也是肉食动物,爱吃牛排,我会强烈推介这里,呵呵。

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