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❤Color edging Material :

  • 1/2 bk plain jelly
  • 300 ml of water
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 2 drops of red dye
  • 1 drop of green dye
  • 1 drop of yellow dye
    . Way: 1. Heat water with sugar and jelly while stirring until it boils. Divide into 3 parts and mix each with the dye. Freeze. Cut into small cubes. Set aside ❤Puding milk .
  • 2 bk so it is plain - 1000 ml of water - 1 tin of white skm - 100 g of sugar
  • 50 g dark cooking chocolate
  1. Boil water, milk, agar and sugar. Stir until it boils
    . 2. Take 350 ml of agar, transfer to another pan. Enter dark cooking chocolate into the so that has been moved. Continue cooking and stirring until it dissolves. Set aside.
  2. Prepare the mold. Sprinkle color pudding on the bottom of the mold.
  3. Take 400 ml of white milk pudding. Pour slowly over the color pudding spoonful after spoonful. After a little frozen, sprinkle again the color pudding on top of the dough, cover again with the milk pudding. Do it until it runs out.
  4. After freezing a little. Pour the chocolate pudding over the milk pudding. Let the surface freeze.
  5. Continue with sowing color pudding and milk pudding as in step 4. Do it until it runs out.
  6. Freeze.
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