This Video Was Demonitized by Youtube!?!?

Youtube's thought and word police app is just out of control. I put up this video about Spicy Lacto Fermented Pickles and before I could even post it, it was demonitized. At first I had assumed it was because of the word "spicy" so I tried changing the title but of course that made no difference. I have since learned from others it was because of the use of the word "fermented". I have also heard and read many others say that anything that teaches self sufficiency is getting flagged by youtube.

I put in for a review but it will only be reviewed IF I get 1000 views within 7 days and my channel is just not that big yet. Though I have had videos get that many views in a week, it is not something that happens on a regular basis. So in the meantime, I get to be punished for doing nothing wrong and lose revenues as a result.

At any rate, I am posting the video here and hope that the information I have to share is still useful and helpful to many others despite it improperly being labeled as "UN-advertiser friendly" and am thankful I have steemit to help make up the difference.

Hope you are are having a great Monday and thank you for your time! ~Heidi


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