Tradisolional Bugis Cake

Bugis or Koci cake (in Javanese) is one of the wet cakes. Typically, this cake is wrapped in banana leaves with a conical shape. Includes one of the few authentic Indonesian traditional foods.

This traditional cake we find many in the event of a celebration or wedding. Available on a plate with other cookies. The cute shape makes us want to bite it in the mouth.

In making later bugis cake does not use wheat flour but glutinous rice flour. Texture sticky rice flour will feel chewy and soft in the mouth. Coconut stuffing is tasty and sweet will make the tongue more swayed enjoy every bite.

How to make Bugis cake

Bugis Cake Ingredients:

375 white sticky rice flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
250 ml of coconut milk
50 ml mixture of pandanus and suji leaf water
Banana Leaves to wrap

Bugis Cake Contents:

300 gr coconut, half peeled, peeled, grated
200 gr sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
150 ml of water

Step One, How to Make a Contents:

Mix grated coconut, sugar, vanilla, salt, and water. Cook while stirring until cooked and water out, lift, set aside.

Step Two:

Mix the glutinous rice flour and salt, pour coconut milk and water of suji leaves little by little while diuleni until it can be scavenged.

Take 1 tbsp of flour dough, give 1 teaspoon of batter fill, round it, place on a banana leaf. Do until the dough runs out, steamed until cooked.

Take a banana leaf, wrap it.

Little Tips In Creating Bugis Cake:

If the mother intends to wrap it with banana leaves, so as not to sticky, apply cooking oil on the leaf wrapper bugis cake.


Usually this recipe is for 30 packs.

It's not hard how to make it? Then when will you practice it? ha ha ha. The faster we make it, the sooner we enjoy our work :). And actually it is not difficult to make your own food at home, if there is desire and a little patience anyone can kok :)

For sure there is no word ribet to get a pleasure :). hehe. But it's true, now so much food is available in various places, the reason does not want to bother we prefer to buy

so is the way to make a traditional Bugis cake, for those of you who already want to eat it directly wrote in accordance with the above recipe.

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