The Twelve Days of Pizzamas! - Day Five

Pizza is pretty simple right? Throw some vegetables or meat, whatever, bake it and boom, pizza! right? WRONG!

Pizza is serious business, it's steeped in strict and complex rules and traditions that come from a time way beyond our tiny human comprehension.

The Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana is the pseudo-official authority when it comes to pizza, they have extensive guidelines over acceptable ingredients for pizza dough, pizza sauce, dough texture, colour, cooking time and even very specific rules for official ingredients/ ingredient amounts, as specific as acceptable regions of where it was produced (the cheese must come from Campania in Italy). According to them, if you don't fit into the rules guess what? It ain't pizza!

All that being said the pizza I'm going to show you today probably isn't 'pizza' according to these guys.


This is the Laurier; tomato sauce, sauteed spinach, grilled artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes, red onions garnished with toasted sliced almonds. Heckin' DEE-LISH!!

Have a nice Sunday, take a slice outta life!

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