Farm Days Series - Part 1 The Dairy Goats

Last Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of meeting @generikat at our North Idaho Steemit Meetup. During our conversation, the subject of goats came up and it reminded me of the time we had a goat farm.

So I thought I'd share a photo or two and see where this takes us.

We sold the farm, as they say, nearly 5 years ago and started making preparations to move to Southern Chile (I will be writing more about that in subsequent posts). But for this post, I thought a few pics of our goats would be fun to share.

The photo above is of me hanging out with 'Nina,' as we affectionately named her. She was a Nubian dairy goat. Nubians are known for producing great milk.

My thought in starting a goat farm was to produce raw goat milk for human consumption. I'm not here to speak to all the benefits of goat milk, etc, nor to argue with anyone about the taste, etc. My days of arguing with anyone with a different point of view are hopefully behind me (I'm sure I'll be tested on that one.)

The pic above is @gringalicious milking one of our goats

The goats required milking twice per day. My daughters and I ( @uglysweater, @gringalicious, @alovelymess, & @fullofhope ) handled the majority of this while my wife was in charge of storing the milk (huge job by the way, making sure everything is clean, sanitary and the right temperature - huge job).

The pic above is of my daughter @fullofhope holding a baby goat

The pic above is of me milking one of our goats (don't judge)

Through this experience, my family learned a tremendous amount. On of the many things we learned was the value of the food we eat. So much of the 1st world simply goes to a super market and buys all of their food in a package. Very few know what it takes to get real wholesome food from start to finish.

There are many other things we learned, I'll share more of that in subsequent parts or my Farm Days Series.

Of course all of the goats had a name



I am so glad to be on this ride with you

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