I'm so excited to join the Steemit community after 10 years on YouTube

G'Day lovely people!

My name is Rob Nixon from 'Nicko's Kitchen'. I've been creating content for almost 10 years on YouTube based in Australia. To put that into perspective My Space was still around and very popular, Twitter was still very young as was Facebook, the iPhone had just turned 1 and there was no Instagram or Snapchat and most of my audience was in there teens and now are married with children (Yes it makes me feel so old even though I'm only 33) Since 2008 my mission has been to get people back into the kitchen and get cooking. I don't mind if you are after a Big Mac or something healthier the only thing I preach is you make it at home. Over the years I have grown my YouTube channel to over 1 million subscribers and my Facebook page has almost 2 million likes.

12307453_10153879364743706_9116616993384625419_o.jpg Berry Meringue Wreath

I grew up around two amazing home cooks, my Mum and my Nanna. They got me into cooking at 6 years old. I still remember making my cooking debut after much practice - I made a 3 course menu for my family - Garlic Bread to start, Beef Stir Fry for mains and an Orange Cake for dessert. I still have my first cookbook I got the recipes from, in fact I have our families recipe treasure box that have recipes in it from the early 1900's, I add to it and my children will do the same eventually. It's an amazing food time capsule and I look forward to sharing it with you.

12391248_10153924100933706_2042838637629205869_n.jpg 4 Generations of cooks in the kitchen, my mum and Nanna along with my daughter

I started creating content on YouTube in 2008 and called my channel 'Nicko's Kitchen'. Many people think my name is Nick, but the name 'Nicko' comes from my last name Nixon - here in Australia most people are given nicknames by friends, it was my Dads nickname also. I thought of it as another way to honour my Dad who passed away when I was 3. In my wildest dreams I had no idea what the next 9 years would bring. I had my 'Issac Newton' moment when I uploaded a video to YouTube making Lamingtons (an Australia dessert). I received an email from a couple in Iraq who posted me a picture of the Lamingtons they made and thanking me for introducing them to this recipe. I was shocked! My country is at war with Iraq and they're making an iconic Australia dish - I was in love with the idea my recipes were truly on a world scale and no matter what differences we all have, food always brings us together.

12184099_10207551341095132_8473739925196786752_o.jpg My daughter Imogen learning about Strawberries at a local farm

Over my time creating food content I've had so many amazing experiences. From meeting our Prime Minster to discuss the digital economy, stage shows all around the world and of course many cooking competitions where I get to judge. I've been on TV, radio, newspapers but I have never stepped away from my main focus - getting people into the kitchen. My favourite feedback isn't from the press but when someone writes to me and tells me they have passed cooking school because of my recipes or that they have become a cook because they grew up watching me.

13418575_10209173294162945_7323655650250815281_o.jpg Judging the 2016 Best Burger Competition for Western Australia

Sadly YouTube is changing and pushing the 'grass root' creators like me away. It wont stop me from my cooking goals and that's why I'm very excited to share my food with you here on Steemit.

Already I feel so welcome here, I'm really enjoying getting to know a whole new group of people who are so talented.

Thank you and I can't wait to share my passion with you all 😊

My Steak Tartare - one my favourite dishes

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My favourite recipe of all

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