Pizza: 3 instant test versions and 7 top fillings


  1. Kefir

-1 a glass of yogurt
-2-2.5 cups of flour (or how much will take the dough)
-1 egg
-1 tablespoon. Vegetable oil odorless

  • st.l. Sahara
    -1/2 tsp Soda

Step 1. Sift flour, mix with soda and salt.
Step 2. Beat a little egg and add it to kefir.
Step 3. In kefir gradually add flour. Stir until homogeneous. Must get a tight dough. If the flour is small - you can add a little more.
Step 4. Put in the dough a little sugar and 1 tbsp. Vegetable oil.
Step 5. Roll out and put the filling on the dough.

  1. Pizza in the frying pan

-1 cup of flour
-2 eggs
-4 tbsp. Sour cream
-4 tbsp. Mayonnaise

  • tsp. Soda

Step 1. Eggs with a fork. Add mayonnaise and sour cream, stir to a homogeneous mass.
Step 2. Sift flour and add soda to it. All put to sour cream with eggs, mix. The dough is obtained as sour cream.
Step 3. Fry the frying pan with high sides to heat, oil with oil and pour the dough. Top with a filling, sprinkle with cheese. Cover and fry for about 10 minutes.

  1. Yeast

-3 cups of flour
-1 glass of warm water
-1 packet of dry yeast
-2-3 tablespoons. olive oil

Step 1. Sift flour and mix with yeast and salt.
Step 2. Add warm water, stir until homogeneous.
Step 3. Add a little olive oil until the dough becomes elastic and smooth. Bake immediately.
Two essential ingredients

Tomato sauce and cheese are essential ingredients of any pizza. They, along with the test, create much of the success of the dish. You can choose not too interesting stuffing for pizza, but choosing a bad sauce will mean crashing everything!
Cheese for pizza

The most successful and good cheese for pizza is mozzarella, and from buffalo milk. It is not rubbed, but cut into plates. This cheese seems to impregnate the dough, gathering together all the ingredients of the filling and making the dish whole and harmonious. But, alas, mozzarella, especially good, is not always available. The second most important pizza cheese is Parmesan. If there is not also it, the Gouda or even Dutch, but not very sharp cheese will approach.
Pizza sauce

For tomato sauce, good tomatoes are important. If you make fresh sauce, then take the most delicious, and do not use the mash that is sold in the markets under the sign "tomatoes for cooking". Pizza does not tolerate rot. And when the tomatoes come off, you can make tomato sauce in your own juice.
-1 bank of tomatoes in its own juice (you can add 2-3 fresh delicious tomatoes)
-4-5 tooth. Garlic
-4 tbsp. olive oil
-1 onion
-1 tablespoon. Sahara
-Ground black pepper

Step 1. Remove the peel from the tomatoes. Peel onion and garlic. Cut very finely in a blender.
Step 2. Fry the onions and garlic very quickly in olive oil.
Step 3. Cut the canned and fresh (if used) tomatoes and add to onions and garlic. Slightly overpower. Then add the juice.
Step 4. Salt and pepper. To simmer over low heat, gradually evaporating the liquid. When the sauce becomes thick, add sugar.
Step 5. Whip the sauce with a blender. This sauce is suitable not only for pizza, but also for lasagna, and for pasta, as well as for stewed vegetables.
Top-7 best toppings for pizza

Pizza is a matter of taste. There are no exact recipes and proportions here, someone likes more mushrooms, and someone is crazy about vegetables and cheese. We present the basic varieties of fillings that almost everyone likes.

  1. Margarita

Nothing better and tastier until people come up with it than a combination of cheese, tomatoes and green basil. Tomatoes can be used dried, can be fresh and add tomato sauce. Do not forget about garlic, pepper and salt. Classical Neapolitan pizza is made with this filling.

  1. Sausages

Assortment of any smoked sausages can be diluted with a small number of sausages or boiled sausages. Especially good in the filling look hunting sausages.

  1. Vegetarian

Any combination of vegetables. One of the most successful: eggplant and sweet pepper.

  1. Assorted meat

Suitable for men. In this pizza you can collect pork roasted minced meat, pieces of beef or pork in a sauce or cooked on a grill, you can add pickled cucumbers, zucchini and sweet pepper.

  1. Seafood

Shrimp, octopus and fish (the easiest way to take canned tuna in your own juice) is an excellent solution for seafood lovers. You can shade the taste of seafood, if you add chopped olives.

  1. Smoked chicken

One of the most interesting and satisfying options of the filling: slices of fragrant chicken meat, red onions, olives, corn kernels and, probably, bacon.

  1. With forest mushrooms

Sliced ​​white, boletus and chanterelles in the mushroom season - an excellent filling for pizza. You can add sweet peppers and onion rings.

And most importantly do not abuse such a delicious pizza, it can add extra kilograms))))
Bon Appetit!

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