Fruit jelly brings me back to childhood

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I remember the 4 years old to 5 years old, even 8 years old 9 years old fruit jelly is very rare. Only special occasions such as the birthday or who go back to buy gifts have a small jelly bag. It was the last years of the 20th century when Vietnam was still a poor, backward country and food shortages still occur. The eye-catching colorful jelly with the characteristic flavor of each fruit is still a luxury gift!

I like the watermelon jelly which has sweet taste cool with the red is very eye-catching. Also pineapple jelly fragrant, yellow sweet and sour sweet is also great! Orange jelly, jelly cloth ... I love their sweet taste!
So, today Hanoi hot sun, I crave a cool and I immediately remember the fruit jelly! I decided to make watermelon jelly and pineapple jelly, orange jelly for family enjoy!

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Soft, crispy jelly with the taste of fruit the flavor and color of the fruit that I take the juice, made me feel excited. In particular, I made my jelly pieces look similar to the fruit image in real life. After finishing the jelly mixture, I poured into the crust of the fruit and put it in the refrigerator. Does this shape look good? Sure your kids will love it!


  • A watermelon
  • A pineapple
  • 2-3 oranges
  • 120gr of sugar
  • 1 pack of 10 grams of agar
  • 600ml of water


  • Cut fruit in half
  • Use a spatula to separate the intestines and the shell into two separate parts. Pay careful attention to avoid puncturing the fruit. For oranges, squeeze the juice and leave aside the residue and hold the cover

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  • Use fruit juicers or blenders to filter out watermelon juice and pineapple juice separately. When using the blender you have to filter out fruit pulp, only just keep the juice.
  • Use 10g powdered jelly with 120gr sugar

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  • Pour 500ml of water into the boiling pot, pour about ⅔ amount of mixture of jelly and sugar to stir stirred. Then, pour watermelon juice into it. Follow the instructions on the jelly pack, every 10 grams of flour with 1 liter - 1.5 liters of water. Therefore, you need to rely on the amount of juice to use the right amount of water. Do the same with pineapple juice and orange juice
  • When the water boils, you lift the pot and let it cool down and then pour the mixture into the mold. (should filter to fine jelly).

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  • Leave the refrigerator for at least 3 hours

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Please watch my video about how cook jelly fruit:

You just finished the fruit jelly with the main shape of the fruit that you use it!

Requirements of fruit jelly:

  • Jelly has sweet taste and plasticity to eat, bring the specific flavor of each fruit
  • When you eat, you will feel the coolness of the jelly, along with the fragrance of each fruit.
  • Jelly fruit dry algae soft enough to retain the shape.

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Making fruit jelly is extremely simple!
You can create many different shapes and flavors for this eye-catching jelly. Go to the kitchen and cook a jelly pot for your family!

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"Bếp Thị Xu (it means Thị Xu kitchen in English) is the name of my dog. My blog is where I share my recipes and thoughts in life. This blog is entirely in Vietnamese and was made before I knew Steemit. You can see my previous recipes on this blog!

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