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Very simple and effective diet for the lazy

Very simple and effective diet for the lazy

The principle of operation of most diets is based on continuous monitoring of the caloric content of foods, their selection for each meal, a way of cooking. All of this requires a significant investment of time, money and, of course, moral efforts. So many people are looking for the simplest diet for weight loss.

My diet is based on the principles of proper nutrition. Such a simple and effective diet allows you to lose weight without weighing food portions, counting calories and other burdensome actions.

The basic rules of food:

1.The decrease in the variety of products. The author of the diet indicates the need for habituation to monotonous food. You need to choose no more than 3-4 main dishes, and alternately to cook them. It is possible to change to them garnishes.
2.One of the main rules of this diet plan from diet eliminate "white" carbs, primarily flour and sugar. These foods include bread, desserts, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals. Side dishes of banned products should be replaced by vegetables. It is recommended to eat meat, fish, chicken.
3.Following this simple principle of the diet is to control the consumption of liquid calories. It is forbidden to drink carbonated and sugary drinks, juices, milk because of their caloric content. But it is quite acceptable drink every day two glasses of red wine.
4.Oddly enough, but the author of the diet advises against eating large amounts of fruits. The first thing to eliminate from the diet of those fruits, which are sold in shops and markets. They are oversaturated with different chemical substances, and contain small amounts of vitamins. In the case when there is a great desire to eat some fruit, it is better to choose the one, which is no doubt.
5.A break in the diet. Even the most simple diet can cause fatigue or depression. To avoid this, it is necessary once a week to arrange a day when you can eat what you want. But, of course, within reasonable limits.

Slimming for the lazy

There is a fairly simple and effective diet, which is also called a diet for the lazy. This method of weight loss with water.
This diet on the water to attract their affordability. It does not require to give up your favorite, but harmful products that do not provide for any prohibitions.

So, the basic principles of the simplest weight loss diet the following:

there are no limitations in the choice of products do not exist;
can't drink during meals and for two hours after it;
20 minutes before the meal to drink two glasses of water.
Two hours after a meal you can drink green tea with lemon, coffee without sugar. Without any food (candy, cookies).
Before any snack (candy Apple) you should drink a glass of water.
The daily volume of fluid should not be more than 2-2,5 liters. If initially difficult to drink before each meal two glasses of water, you can start with one glass.
According to reviews, this simple diet gives you the opportunity to lose up to 8-10 lbs for the first two weeks. Its principle of operation is quite simple. Drink before the food the water brings a feeling of fullness, a feeling of fullness. Therefore, during a meal consumed fewer calories. In addition, due to the large amount of fluid, improves the metabolism in the body.
The main condition for this simple diet plan – drink water should be pure, non-carbonated.

Simple diet for weight loss

Simple diet for popularization popular is another, quite simple diet.
Its essence lies in the fact that in one day you can eat only one product. The amount eaten is controlled only by appetite.
Be sure to drink tea or broth hips. You can also drink mineral water, some tea or coffee without sugar.

Menu this simple and effective diet the following:

1st day – drink only boiled eggs;
Day 2 – only boiled fish;
Day 3 – only the cheese, which can add a little honey;
Day 4 – only boiled chicken;
Day 5 – only potatoes "in uniform";
Day 6 – boiled beef only;
Day 7 – only vegetables, except potatoes;
8 day – only fruits, except grapes and bananas;
9 day – only kefir;
Day 10 – only broth hips.
Vary the sequence from 1 to 7 day. But 8-10 days can not be changed. In these days comes the main weight reduction.

Natural way to lose weight

Many people have achieved weight loss absolutely no violence on his body. And for this they follow the simple diet: principles of healthy eating. The observance of these principles helps to perpetuate a habit to eat correct, useful products. And, as a result, the person not only normalizing weight, but also significantly improves the health and well-being.

The principles of good nutrition are fairly simple:

exclusion from the diet of harmful products, in particular, foods with preservatives, dyes and other chemicals;
do not eat after 18.00;
the number of meals shall not be less than four times per day;
eat small portions of food;
to eliminate overeating.
Adhering to these easy recommendations, you can permanently avoid the problem of excess weight.

Good luck to all!!! And great health!!!

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