What are the advantages of turning into a vegan?

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The advantage of being vegan is

1. Lower risk of heart disease

Besides having a more ideal body weight, a vegan diet also helps reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol in the body. A plant-based source of diet also helps stabilize blood sugar and pressure levels at a healthy level.

Consumption of whole grains, soybeans, and nuts which are also the principle of the Mediterranean diet can protect the body from the risk of heart disease.

2. Reducing the risk of cancer

Vegetables and fruits contain many nutrients that can protect the body from cancer. One of the nutrients in vegetables and fruits is a complex phytochemical that has been known to be useful in preventing cancer.

Vegan diets are prone to malnutrition and porous bones

A vegan diet is a diet that focuses on vegetables, fruits, and nuts and seeds. This means you are at risk for lacking many vitamins and minerals that come from animal foods, such as calcium and protein. In fact, calcium and protein are needed for bone health.

3. Lose weight

Because, plant foods contain fewer calories than animal foods. In addition, high fiber intake from fruits and vegetables makes you feel full faster so as to minimize cravings and snacking desires.

Plants are also a major source of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants which are very good for maintaining overall health. A high-fiber and important nutrient-rich vegan diet is also associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

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