What Does Your Favorite Type of Coffee Say About Your Personality? ☕️


Hello! How is everyone doing?

This morning when I went to get my coffee for the day I noticed that what I usually drink has changed. About 1-2 years ago I would only drink black coffee with a little bit of milk, and now I favor cappuccino.

So that got me thinking, does it have to do with my personality or I just have another preference now? I mean people usually change how they do things because they change their attitude or perspectives right? So that basically means their personality could eventually change also once something becomes a habit or what they believe in?

Anyways, I opened up google of course haha and found a research conducted on personalities and the type of coffee people like to drink (from 1000 people)

This is what it says:


What do you think about this? Does your personality match with the type of coffee you like to drink?

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