How to prepare patacon supreme

How to prepare

  1. the banana is sliced ​​into thick slices
  2. and fry in hot oil for a short period of time) until golden brown.
  3. After which they are removed from the pan. They are crushed with a pataconera roller or tostonera and
  4. they are again submerged in oil until they are finished frying.

Preparation of the Fill


  • Mashed beans
  • Meatloaf
  • Mushrooms
  • Grated mozzarella cheese


  1. First we prepare the roasted meat, we split the slices into slices and lightly fry them in butter to make the mashed beans, we liquefy them until they give us a puree consistency.
  2. Cover the patacones with the mashed beans, then place the meat and the mushrooms and cover with grated cheese. They are baked only to gratinate the cheese.
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