How to Make Warm Bandrek Recipes That Favors


Bandrek is one of the hot drink that much loved many people, besides taste delicious this drink also many usefulness.

Efficacy of this bandrek recipe that can cough with phlegm, restore the freshness of the body to re-fit, all these properties can not be separated from the materials used like ginger.

How to make this bandrek itself quite easy, because you only need to mix all the materials needed and then boiled in one container.then added with a little shake of chicken eggs.please see below.

The materials used to make bandrek:

1 liter Liquid Milk 100 grams Ginger, then you burn then peeled and sprinkle the lemon grass, then you split a teaspoon of Pepper Grain, then you crushed 2 pieces of Pandanus Leaves, then you ikat300 grams Red Sugar¼ teaspoon Garam2 egg Chicken Eggs, then you shake a moment

Bandrek drink appendix:

Rice Boiled Banana Boiled Boiled Corn

Well after you have prepared all the materials needed, please see how to make bandreknya.

How to make a delicious warm bandrek:

First you boil the liquid milk together with ginger, lemongrass, pepper, pandan leaves, brown sugar and salt.then you stir well and cook until boiling. Then you put the chicken egg into the container, pour with a little hot liquid milk, then shake until rata.Kemudian insert the egg whipped mixed with liquid milk into the processed stew of the first bandrek you make, then you stir and cook until boiling again. Remove and filter. Serve warm in a glass.

Well that's the process of making this delicious bandrek, a little tips on pouring eggs into processed bandrek, do little by little to beat the eggs mixed and eggs do not clot when the processed bandreknya boil.

Please enjoy this bandrek with complementary materials such as boiled peanuts, corn on the cob, boiled bananas and boiled yam.

Good luck.

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