Cooking for beginners series #9: classic Austrian battered apple rings with sweet, warm vanilla foam and seasoned with cinnamon-sugar, Check it out!

I've got a sweet and classic recipe for you steemians. In Austria we call it "Apfel küchle" (apple-cakelet) have fun with it!

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • 4 apples
  • 200 grams of cake flour
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 750 ml of fresh milk
  • 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 vanilla pod or  1/2 teaspoon of vanilla pulp or powder
  • 500 ml of oil (for the frying process)
  • optional a pinch of backing powder 

Wich materials and tools do you need?

  • 2 small pots
  • one medium sized pan (preferably a iron or steel pan)
  • a eggbeater
  • a slotted ladle
  • a few sheets of  kitchen-paper (paper-towel) to drip off the spare oil/fat
  • hotplate
  • a cutting board and a knife
  • a peeler or a small knife
  • one bowl for the  dough
  • one bowl for the  organic waste

Preparation: start with preparing the dough

put the flour, 500 ml of milk, 4 eggs and a pinch of salt in a bowl (optional: add the backing-powder), stir it like i did

 Add four eggs and stir everything together 

Prepare the apples, just peel them and use the apple porer on them. Then cut the apples in thick slices/rings.

Now heat up a pot with some water in it. Put another small pot on top of it. Tip: indirect heating is the best for  making such kind of sauces and foams or to melt chocolate. Add 250 ml of milk, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 eggs and the vanilla. Stir everything, the temperature should not go over 68-70 ° C, just stir it until you get a thick foam, then put the sauce away from the heat source.

Heat up a pan with 500 ml of oil or fat in it, add your apple-rings to the dough, and fry them in the hot oil/fat.

DONE! Enjoy this classic Austrian meal! Season it with some sugar and cinnamon.

 Check out this other recipes from this series "cooking for beginners": 
#1 mushroom sauce with cream
#2 vegetable Phat Thai, sweet 'n' sour style
#3 chicken tortilla wraps with salad and sour cream
#4 maybe the best steak, that you've seen so far!
#5 Original Austrian Kaiserschmarrn (sugared, shredded pancake) 
#6 Simple coconut curry chicken with Jasmin-Rice and pineapple
#7 Perfect summer dish: fruityand exotic noodle salad with mango, sheep milk cheese (Feta), onions and  purple pepper 
#8 Cooking for beginners series #8: Spicy, vegi fried rice with eggs and soy sauce, Check it out!

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yours, martin.the.chef   

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