Cooking for beginners series #7: Perfect summer dish: Fruity noodle salad with mango, sheep milk cheese (Feta), onions and purple pepper

Perfect summer dish: fruityand exotic noodle salad with mango, sheep milk cheese (Feta), onions and  purple pepper 

Ingredients that give you 3-4 servings:

  • 150-200 grams of noodles (penne, macaroni)
  • pinch of salt and pepper
  • 35 ml olive oil (extra virgin)
  • 20 ml of apple - or white wine vinegar
  • one small onion, cut into thin slices
  • one small pack of feta cheese (sheep milk cheese) 80-100 grams
  • one piece of  a sweet and ripe mango, cut into small cubes
  • optional: tomatoes and Rucola or iceberg salad

Which tools and materials do you need?

  • cutting board and a knife
  • pot 
  • hotplate
  • bowl
  • noodle-strainer


Heat up a pot with water and a pinch of salt in it, in the meantime prepare the ingredients like i did. That means wash, cut and peel them if needed.

After the noodles are done, put the mango, onion, pepper, cheese and the optional ingredients together with the noodles in a bowl, add the olive oil, vinegar and season it with salt and pepper.

Gently stir everything and serve it, done! Enjoy this light and delicious meal. It's perfect on hot sommer days!

 Check out this other recipes from this series "cooking for beginners": 

#1 mushroom sauce with cream
#2 vegetable Phat Thai, sweet 'n' sour style
#3 chicken tortilla wraps with salad and sour cream
#4 maybe the best steak, that you've seen so far!
#5 Original Austrian Kaiserschmarrn (sugared, shredded pancake) 
#6 Simple coconut curry chicken with Jasmin-Rice and pineapple

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yours, martin.the.chef  

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