My Meat Cooking Adventures Continue: Heritage Breed Pork Loin Chops


These are from Butcher Box again. I've been very happy with my first shipment from them, and it's not just because I get free bacon for life. I seared these in a cast iron skillet and then finished them in a 300ΒΊF oven. It's been raining quite a bit here, or when it's not, it's godly hot and humid. I'll be out grilling again in no time, though.


Generously seasoned with Penzey's pork chop seasoning. Penzey's makes great spices, and their headquarters happens to be like a mile from my house.


These chops were higher quality than what I can get in most of the supermarkets near me.

I finished the chop but left some of the kale and mushrooms. :)

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