potato cakes ( perkedel kentang )


ingredients :

  • 500 grams prepared potato
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 egg
  • flavoring ( royco )
  • celery leaves to taste
  • salt to taste
  • the oil for frying

how to make :

  • wash the potatoes, cut to taste and fry.
  • finely chopped celery
  • white onion puree


  • after all that is done, puree the potatoes already fried. Mix all ingredients and mix well.
  • then round it off until everything is finished.
  • heat the oil and fry all until they run out. before frying dipped in egg white was yes.
  • when it turns tawny that means is ripe. remove and serve.

finished. Thank you

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