How to make rice with roasted noodles and bacon :)

Como hacer arroz con fideos tostados y tocineta :

Hello, thank you very much for reading my blog, I hope you like it.
Today I will teach you how to make this dish, rice with noodles and bacon (poor pigs that died to feed us ...), very well ... I will give you the list of the following ingredients:

1-2 cups of pairboiled rice.
2.-4 cups of water.
3.-1 cup fine noodles (angel hair)
4.-1 packages of bacon of 225 grams.
5.-4 crushed garlic cloves.
6.-4 tablespoons of oil.
7.-1 tablespoon of salt.


Chop the bacon and fry them in a pan (in its own fat). Remove them when they are golden brown and dry them with absorbent paper. Brown the fine noodles in a pan with two tablespoons of oil, put in a pot the rice, water, roasted noodles, crushed garlic, bacon and salt. Cook uncovering and when the rice begins to dry, lower the heat and cover the pot so that the grain opens, serve very hot to accompany any type of red or white meat.

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