Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Snacks

I've been playing around with gluten free and I thought I'd try my hand at those popular gluten free protein bites.  So I improvised a recipe and what I got was basically a sort of guilt-free cookie dough ball, packed with peanut protein from both peanut butter and peanut flour.

What I used:

Now I'll start by saying I didn't measure anything I just dumped things in in varying amounts so I'll do my best to keep the ratios right to my memory.

3/4 cup ish creamy peanut butter

1/2 cup ish ground flax

1/2 c oat flour

1 cup or more peanut powder

Few tablespoons of cocoa powder

teaspoon of vanilla

half cup of brown sugar

honey until it's a loose crumble that sticks together when crushed.

I used the warmth of my hand and pressure to crush handfuls of the somewhat sandy substance into these balls, shaping them by pressing on them to smooth them over.  They were quick to crumble, so careful forming was needed.

I chilled them in the freezer for about a half hour then boxed them up, storing them in the fridge.

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