This is a typical Aceh drink that is delicious and must be tried

The Province of Aceh does not only have good food such as Aceh noodles. There are also some special Acehnese drinks that taste no less tasty, you know. Well, on this occasion I will discuss the typical drinks from Aceh You're curious, right? To find out the typical delicious drinks from Aceh that must be tried, just refer directly to the following discussion.



Well, if this one drink, we're sure you all must be familiar. Why? Because not only in Aceh's specialty food stalls, you can find these drinks at cafes, food stalls or even coffee shops.
Yup, the delicious drink is none other than tea. In Aceh itself, this unique flavored drink is known as tarek tea. Pull tea or tarek tea is also very popular in Singapore and Malaysia.

Not only the taste is unique, the way of making tarek tea is also the same. The main ingredients in the form of tea and milk are poured between two different glasses to foam. The foam layer itself gets from the air when pouring tea from one glass to another. Tarek tea is generally enjoyed with light snacks such as cane bread, or even heavy foods such as nasi lemak.



Not just pulling tea, this drink is also a favorite of many people. Not only in Aceh, but also in other regions and abroad. It is Gayo coffee, a strong typical Acehnese coffee with a strong coffee taste.

As the name implies, this Gayo coffee bean comes from the Gayo Plateau, Central Aceh. Gayo coffee itself has been developed in Central Aceh since the Dutch colonial era. Gayo coffee is widely used as the main ingredient in making delicious coffee drinks.



Sanger coffee is a special Aceh drink that you must try. This traditional coffee drink is generally made from a mixture of sweetened condensed milk, sugar and also black coffee. Reportedly, even though the ingredients are easy to get, to be able to make a glass of sanger coffee requires its own expertise.

Sanger coffee is made by looking for brewing coffee using a cone-shaped filter. Similar to V60 coffee making. Now, after that, other ingredients such as sugar and sweetened condensed milk are added to add a sweet taste to the coffee. The dose of sugar and milk must be right, so that the taste and aroma of the coffee doesn't disappear.

If so, all the ingredients are then shaken to produce foam. Coffee that looks similar to this milk coffee can not only be enjoyed in Aceh, but also in Aceh noodle shops which are widely spread in big cities, including the city of Bandung.



Ie boh timoen is a typical Acehnese drink in the form of shaved cucumber ice. This fresh drink is often consumed by Acehnese people during Ramadhan as a takjil menu for breaking the fast. But of course, you can also consume this one at any time.

Ie boh timoen or cucumber shaved ice water is made from materials in the form of shaved cucumber mixed with simple syrup or sugar syrup and ice cubes. Not infrequently, this fresh drink is also given extra basil seeds or added with melon flavored syrup.

5.IE SEUREUBET (Bandrek Aceh)


In Aceh, there is also a bandrek drink known as ie seureubet.
The ingredients are made from ginger water and spices such as pepper and cloves. This warm drink is certainly very suitable to be enjoyed in the evening or at night, especially when the weather is cold.

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